using “GNOME Online Accounts” you should be able to access Drive files through your default file manager. I’m not sure if you can automatically sync them for offline access.
using “GNOME Online Accounts” you should be able to access Drive files through your default file manager. I’m not sure if you can automatically sync them for offline access.
You could start the day by looking at him and saying “birthday” and in 20-40 years he should catch on.
I neglected to update for like seven “major” versions recently. I took the safe-ish route to just read every release note as I go and install the last minor version of each major version release, then start, quick check, stop, next one. It turned out fine.
edit: Backup, backup, backup. Then you can’t fail.
The issue with stuff like this is the high upfront cost, the hassle of storing the goods (correctly), and the fact that you could just put the same money into some stable stocks and likely be better off buying honey as needed. But I’m sure if you research it hard enough you can set yourself up for a good deal, barring catastrophy.
I try to get people to join and inevitably they say…”Why, so I can follow all the other stupid lemmings?”
Someone deterred by this was never going to even consider joining in the first place. They are just messing with you.
Exactly! Now it’s all just that guy asking him the same questions every year… where’s my entertainment Liiinus??
No, this is what they win:
And after a couple of days you get a message that your PCU just ran out…
Damn. That’s good money. Glad it’s getting funded.
False equivalence, I’d say.
If A is the set containing c and d, and B is the set containing d and e, then since they both contain d, A and B are equal.
They don’t wanna give you actual numbers. That might be useful. eww…
I mean, if you have a billysbool class anyway, you’d make its truthiness correct according to bossman’s scheme, and then the not operator would work correctly.
This but I am tucked up in bed.
web dev, still unsure of the difference between var and let
I get that, and I even made an account on PeerTube’s GitLab just to submit a tiny fix on a secondary project of theirs, but do you think an average issue submitter would bother? I do not. And it’s not as simple as this process separating the wheat from the chaff, either.
The choice every developer has to make is between having a potentially successful project, with contributors and community engagement, or hosting their stuff on an open platform. PeerTube even has a GitLab of their own, and yet they host their main software on GitHub, because they simply have to.
Aren’t you basically just describing FOSS and framing it as a complaint? Valve for example has a vested interest in improving their software stack, and they do just that by donating both money and engineers to various projects. If these open source projects did not exist, they would have to spend the same or even more money on a proprietary licensed alternative, or to develop their own solution.
Imma join the disassembly gang. Takes no more than a minute to unscrew and take the top off, then you take a hammer and give it some direct hits. Could additionally take the magnet that’s inside (or an even stronger one) and give the disks a few swoops if you like. (And now you have a free magnet!)