They were somewhere over Las Vegas when James made his suggestion that they were in batshitcrazy country.
They were somewhere over Las Vegas when James made his suggestion that they were in batshitcrazy country.
you can only enforce what the courts let you unfortunately.
I do it all the time to pull pictures off my camera to my phone. I can picture other photographers doing the same.
i see it as more of an example of why we shouldnt want septuagenarian or octogenarian politicians of either party.
I agree. I can understand interrupting the show for somethings. Earthquake early warning, fine. A celebrity going to rehab, not ok.
will it reduce the air pressure difference on the ground? i was in a building and it moved. i felt it. sound is only one problem.
Sonic booms are measured in pounds per square foot
of overpressure. This is the amount of the increase
over the normal atmospheric pressure which surrounds
us (2,116 psf/14.7 psi).
At one pound overpressure, no damage to structures
would be expected.
Overpressures of 1 to 2 pounds are produced by
supersonic aircraft flying at normal operating altitudes. Some public reaction could be expected between 1.5 and 2 pounds.
Rare minor damage may occur with 2 to 5 pounds
As overpressure increases, the likelihood of structural
damage and stronger public reaction also increases.
Tests, however, have shown that structures in good
condition have been undamaged by overpressures of
up to 11 pounds.
Sonic booms produced by aircraft flying supersonic at
altitudes of less than 100 feet, creating between 20 and
144 pounds overpressure, have been experienced by
humans without injury.
Damage to eardrums can be expected when overpressures reach 720 pounds. Overpressures of 2160
pounds would have to be generated to produce lung
yes tech filters down. however this is unneeded imho. we need cleaner transport not faster.
yeah i experienced a sonic boom once, obama came to seattle and a small private plane accidentally entered the restricted airspace, that was one too many. even if its lessend its not gonna be pleasant to be under.
theyve been my go to for routers for over a decade. they just work 99+% of the time for me. hopefully they turn it around. if not its another company that drove itself into the ground.
yeah it sucks to see, asus has been a good brand, afaik anyway, for a while and now they do downhill. everyone is enshittifying their product it seems.
What’d Danny Ricardo do now?
Well fuck them. If I want to use a cable I should be able to.
And airplanes have systems to make sure planes don’t collide midair. I’m not sure if small private planes do however.
theres some sites that dont work with how i have my browser setup in chrome, at least i think thats what is the problem, but they work fine in edge. im not gonna use it for my main browser, microsoft already gets too much data from us all, but ill use it when chrome messes up.
Same. I’d love it to be brighter as well.
I have the airs. I love them for gaming but they get hot af. I agree about the screen though. I’d rather have an oled 720p display that gets a lot brighter. I tried to play fh5 at the Portland formula e race in a lull of the on track action and could barely see the screen. The airs didn’t help either as I left the covers at home.
It’s still one of the best streaming devices on the market. Yes they need to update it but it’s fine to buy one now.
I used to root all my phones a decade ago. Now I just don’t see a point to it.
A faster one won’t exist, fine. what about an oled deck?