I second something like this, don’t make it compulsory but instead something people want to spend money to support.
I second something like this, don’t make it compulsory but instead something people want to spend money to support.
… This is my hometown. I remember Sage and Goodwin. Monsters.
I’m ashamed.
The hero we needed o7
“Covid 2: We don’t know what to do”
Tldr: Someone can guess reasonably where you are by sending you a glitched friend request notification on your phone that tells the hacker what data center you’re closest to.
It is pretty clever but I wouldn’t call it full deanonymizing, should still get patched though.
good find by the tester.
Edit: used the term ‘glitch’ for simplicity of people reading, didn’t mean to upset people; I’m just an amateur.
“war crime” is a dead term now with how often it’s carried out without repercussion.
I suspect it’s related to insurance in the case of loss by the bank. I think most have upper limits to how much they’ll reimburse if they’re robbed or something so they’ll store it in multiple accounts.
I don’t think anyone would just have an exorbitant amount of money in one spot.
This needs more up votes. Thank you for the interesting read.
Just don’t use Facebook. Get your friends contact information and text/call/meme directly with them or in groups. You’ll find it a much more encouraging and rewarding experience if you connect with people instead of let some big company tell you how to engage with your friends and family.
Edit: I did not expect this thread to be so controversial. I suspect a lot of people really are not ready to give up Facebook.
Astute observation. I’m glad I stopped using the platform years ago but it seems like they’re focused on trying to innovate their tech more than the actual engagement.
Look at Bernie’s entire life of fighting this shit and say that again.
His LinkedIn listed him as being an IT tech for the army before it was taken down?
“you are free to agree with my speech” his hard
As someone who doesn’t like the sun that thing needs to stop
This is my new emoji rulebook and I’m going to explain to it to others exactly like this.
You don’t say
Hey this comparison is unfair to crows, they’re way smarter and more empathetic than wealthy tech industry investors.
You have my attention, as someone who’s been considering switching my main to a Linux.
“I need privacy not because my actions are questionable, but because your judgement and intentions are.” - Stéphane Bortzmeyer