If you have options where you live, you may want to look for a better grocery store. Kroger is not known for supporting their employees.
If you have options where you live, you may want to look for a better grocery store. Kroger is not known for supporting their employees.
Are you saying that two of the most powerful financial institutions in the world would bribe the politician who does what the billionires want and has explicitly requested bribes in the past? Surely you’re not serious.
It may just be a difference in use case. I don’t use navigation apps for my daily and local trips. I use navigation when I’m going to be driving hundreds of miles to a new location and don’t already know how to get there.
If your primary goal is finding out how to get from A to B and not caring about the very fastest way to get from A to B right now, then you don’t need traffic data.
This is usually a good point. However, from my reading of just the snippet and some quotes others posted (and without reading the article myself because I am lazy), it may be that they are prohobiting the inclusion of preferred pronouns. If that’s accurate, then it means they are refining their bigotry to be more precise.
I was doing some napkin math for how many femtoseconds there are between each frame and how that compares to Planck time but this response does a better job capturing how cool this is.
Pedantic: You mean Y-axis, right? Technically, neither start at zero but I think you meant Y based on context.