Cream of Rice, soup, and mashed sweet potatoes.
Cream of Rice, soup, and mashed sweet potatoes.
Taking that cynicism one step further: JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs are both heavily pushing RTO mandates. Altering the optics of their DEI position can make them seem more welcoming to those who would benefit, thereby increasing the size of the pool of replacements for the remote workers they plan to dismiss.
A ban is imposed on a person or an action. It can be rescinded at any time, but remains in place until it is explicitly rescinded. An expiration can be included in the terms of the ban, which automatically rescinds the ban after a set duration. The base definition of “ban” implies nothing about duration. Without clarification, any assumption regarding duration is baseless. Such clarification can be direct, such as including a clear statement of the period for which the ban is in place during the issuance of the ban, or indirect, such as context clues regarding the severity of the infraction that led to the ban being issued.
A suspension is placed upon statuses, privileges, credentials, or the like. Suspension is, by nature, a transitory state. Examples include being suspended from a job pending investigation of behavior, having one’s club membership suspended until club dues are brought current, or having one’s login credentials suspended while one’s account appears to be compromised. The transitory nature of a suspension implies that it resolves upon completion (or inaction on) of a task related to the object of the suspension. Upon completion of the sub-task, status is either reinstated or terminated. In the previous examples: employment is terminated upon conclusion of an investigation that proves the employee acted inappropriately, club membership is reinstated once payment of the outstanding balance is verified, account credentials are reinstated with access limitations once the account owner proves they are in control of the account.
Suspension is a step along the path to termination or revocation, not to a ban. The two terms are not directly related in that way. There can be overlap, but they are not different degrees of the same concept.
That makes assumptions, like that they would have had all the ingredients available or that they would eat enough subs to make buying the ingredients more viable.
You sure about that?
Thanks for doing that, they’ll probably be sorted out by 2026!
The only criticism I have with that is the transfer of campaign funds. Harris was able to take control of the war chest immediately. That’s the one justification I can see for giving her the nod.
Living up to the middle of your username, I see.
that’s a sticky question,
No, the banshee-wailing fuck it isn’t!
If someone truly believes they are in fucking danger, they need to remove themselves from the danger first and foremost, before any consideration of “but what about next election?”
O, to be so proverbially blissful.
As if they’d let you secede.
I didn’t even realize it didn’t say “boner” until you pointed it out.
As predicted, rationalization.
To be fair…
…to the injudicious enabler of fascists, it is pretty shitty to suggest “I hope they come for you first,” even if the point is meant to be “you helped make the bed, so I hope you’ll be on the early access list to lie in it.”
Might be a little better to say, “I hope I can stop them from rounding you up even though you didn’t vote to keep them from being able to try.”
So, you’re going with “coward” over “shill”? Good to know.
So here’s the thing, by not casting a vote for the only other candidate who has any chance of winning this election, you are inarguably benefitting the other guy. It’s simple, it should be self-evident, and if you’re having such a hard time understanding it, then that either makes a statement about your ability to evaluate the reality of a situation or casts doubt on how much you really are against him.
Of the two options on the table, and once again there are only two options in this election, any voter who is opposed to the idea of a would-be fascist dictator should be casting a vote for Harris.
You can’t “punish” her by withholding a vote, you can only make a Trump victory more likely.
Read that last part again, because you need to understand that it is a statement of the actuality of the matter at hand. By refusing to vote for the only other viable candidate, you’ve bolstered Trump’s chances.
Protesting policy before the election is secured makes as much sense as it does positive impact. Which, to be clear, is none.
I’m sorry for you that you’ve let your temper tantrum towards the admittedly shitty DNC blind you to voting in the best interest of yourself, your neighbors, and the country as a whole. It’s unfortunate for you, if you hate him so much, that you’ve facilitated him through your misplaced attempt to really show the dems you mean business. I truly hope that Harris emerges successful from this election, and that your mistake doesn’t expedite the fascist agenda.
If she does become our next president despite the best efforts of misguided fools, I additionally hope that you will spend similar amounts of effort pushing for meaningful reform in both policy and the administration of our elections as you do maligning the only candidate other than Trump who has a chance at the presidency.
But I’m doubtful.
If you honestly think everything would be the same under either candidate, there’s more to address in your apparent divorce from reality than I or anyone else have time to entertain before Tuesday rolls around.
Good luck in life.
Good on you for remaining hopeful! In cases like this, though, the ignorance is willful. They know how absurd they’re acting. Once the conversation goes past the point of their ability to just be obstinate, they abruptly cease responding.
Oh man I don’t enjoy being that guy right now but for the love of all, It’s CUSTOMERS. Costumers are people who work in dress-up.
I’ve only seen this in the past few years, but it’s become such a common mistake. I don’t understand it.
Sorry, I mean you’re making a salient point about the lack of a license and all. Even so, if he’s been caring for the squirrel domestically for seven years, where do they think the supposed rabies would have come from? It doesn’t just manifest.
Then we grind them to a fine powder…