Ok, thank you for explaining, I thought the context was all Americans who could claim the SS benefit, hence my confusion with your comment. Cheers!
Ok, thank you for explaining, I thought the context was all Americans who could claim the SS benefit, hence my confusion with your comment. Cheers!
Also (sorry to double comment you) wanted to mention, I don’t think any American has yet had to deal with actually not having SS benefits (I mean generally, in that they still exist, I am not talking about exceptional cases and those where the benefits were taken away legally, if that exists).
From the Gallup article you posted:
Social Security’s future has been a topic of debate for decades. The system is expected to be able to continue to pay full benefits to recipients through 2033 if no changes are made to the system. In 2034, the system is projected to be able to pay 80% of benefits to recipients.
So it could happen in the next decade, but we expect it based on how it’s structured.
If it gets taken away from Americans by some ruling class, I’m pretty sure the reactions will be swift and meaningful. And I’m not even referring to any kind of violence, just normal old social and political and legal actions.
Sorry, I have to have things spelled out for me sometimes - what is your ‘but’?
Agreed, totally, I just don’t think there is any evidence that all of those people (many, many Americans) are Fox News fans or would even want to be in the same room when it’s on the television.
I’m not deluded about any revolution and I didn’t use those words.
I’m not certain which demo you’re referring. All Americans with jobs pay into SS, and certainly not even half of them give a fuck all about some shitty cable infotainment network.
Dude, we are talking about 12.4% of folks taxable earnings since the day they all joined the workforce. You think tears are the only things gonna happen if that got stolen?
Exactly, if they can’t hold up their end, it’s time for some old fashioned leg breaking.
Damn, I was going to post a comment like “…and his immigration policies… and his disaster response policies (FEMA, et al)…” BUT you tucking nailed it
IMDB only shows these guys as ‘Cast’ and I’m not 100% convinced:
Thanks! See you in another 15 yrs!
This is the only speculation laid out in the article around the operator:
The drone operator has not been identified, but there has been speculation online, with many social media users pointing to photography accounts that have posted aerial images of the fires.
Absolutely agree.
Btw, the entertainment industry has also gotten their way with child labor, I just noticed this for CA: https://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/MinorsSummaryCharts.pdf
Sometimes we forget that child actors are labor too.
I am not disagreeing with you, just wanted to point out that the age minimum in the US is set at the federal level, and then the states can further restrict; I don’t think they can go below the federal limit:
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) sets wage, hours worked, and safety requirements for minors (individuals under age 18) working in jobs covered by the statute. The rules vary depending upon the particular age of the minor and the particular job involved. As a general rule, the FLSA sets 14 years old as the minimum age for employment, and limits the number of hours worked by minors under the age of 16.
That’s not surprising, if you live outside of the US. Otherwise, I do have a follow up query for you 😅
They don’t even hide in the back though, they just congregate in the middle aisles with their crystal clean orange aprons, sleek haircuts and chat about nonsense shit all day.
They are giving you shit because:
Sprint Corporation was an American telecommunications company. Before being acquired by T-Mobile US on April 1, 2020, it was the fourth-largest mobile network operator in the United States, serving 54.3 million customers as of June 30, 2019. The company also offered wireless voice, messaging, and broadband services through its various subsidiaries under the Boost Mobile and Open Mobile brands and wholesale access to its wireless networks to mobile virtual network operators.
Maybe try https://myspeed.dev/
Why does Thaler want to assign copyright to a non-human so badly, when he could simply take the credit himself?
We can see he made references to the fact that Corporations are considered people (fucking citizens united) in his arguments to the court.
Could someone perhaps use the result of the failed cases in an attempt to get citizens united overturned, based on any precedent set through Thaler’s appeals (assuming they all fail)? Maybe that’s too hopeful of a take?