I’d prefer a more generalised multi community approach.
Being able to merge various android communities server side would be great.
Testing updating the bio from within sync. Final check 🪵
I’d prefer a more generalised multi community approach.
Being able to merge various android communities server side would be great.
Oh I see. Kind of how this used to work with saved items on your profile on Reddit?
This is on my todo list ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Nah that comes back from the API in on call, it’s combined on lemmys side.
Would adding ML generated descriptions of images help here? Would be trivial to add in a third party client.
The issue with this is doing it locally.
If you bundle 20 communities you’d end up doing 20 requests back to back to create the combined list. Could end up being really slow.
If you’re using the website have you set your preference here?
Well, the latest version fixed the crash that I was having (pressing the three dots upper right when I was inside a post) so that’s good!
That was actually caused by using old import files.
I’ve made a ticket for the instance issue: https://github.com/laurencedawson/sync-for-lemmy/issues/421
re: “multi communities” I too think its best to wait for a proper lemmy solution here. The only other way I can think to do it is to manually call the posts api n times for each community. Its not going to be a good experiene.
re: hiding, the solution sync has now isn’t the best but I’m waiting for this to also be added on lemmy
re: web settings: there’s an open ticket for this and I’ve just marked it as high priority. I’ll try to get that added for the next release.
re: long pressing: there’s an open ticket for this too
re: negative #s: I’m pretty sure sync displays negative scores unless I’m missing something here?
re: low ram usage: I try to make things myself, don’t rely on libs and still use java!
So tl;dr most of your points are being tracked as open issues. I’ve prioritised a few and hopefully they’ll be included for the next release.
Thanks for the detailed reply!
Anything in particular I’m missing with sync?
Beat me to it! Was hoping to ship this before the weekend.
Definitely. Ideally I need a test instance to add these / test with.
If you could help there at all let me know and I’ll be able to add them today. Cheers
Same. Disney+ needs a reboot before opening…
Gesture all the way
45k users in a week with sync.
User generated content
Hey your title has unescaped html in. I’m guessing you’re using sync?
This was a bug in this last release when editing titles. It’s fixed for the next release but I thought I’d give you a heads up.