Just like school-age kids who make up rules to their advantage every 5 seconds.
Just like school-age kids who make up rules to their advantage every 5 seconds.
Whoops! But yes, absolutely right.
8,653 cars over four dealerships in three days is 961 ~721 cars per dealer per day. (edit: fixed my math)
No dealership carries that many cars in one go, much less even capable of processing that many sales within 24hrs. Your average dealership sells maybe 100 cars a month.
I think a private group needs to start digging into the lives of these snitches and getting into the skeletons in their closets.
It takes a special kind of fucked up person to go that low, Jesus Christ…
I imagine Musk would want “proof” of some sort before paying. If he ever planned on paying at all, that is…
I use a few of those already (HA, Proxmox, etc), I’ll have to check it out later.
Ntfy’s public server costs money. Something that’s need-to-know when suggesting an app to someone who’s curious about its functionality.
I already have a small cluster that I run shit on, so that’s they way I would take.
I poked around and it’s a bit more involved than that.
My only beef with LubeLogger (and it’s a pretty minor one, given it’s just the one dev) is the lack of a mobile app. I’ve used aCar since 2012. I have years of data logged, and IMO, having periodic reminders and widgets available at a single tap is a bit more favorable than a PWA.
I am very curious about ntfy though. Please do share.
I run this on a simple docker instance.
Don’t you know that breeders women are private property?
What gets me is that they legitimately think they’re above the law. I don’t understand it.
What absolute cowards running that farce of a program.
Remember when the ISP lobbyist, Tom Wheeler, got put in charge of the FCC, miraculously turned his views around, and passed net neutrality regulations?
I wish that was the case right now.
It’s just team sports to them. If they aren’t “winning”, they’re “losing”, and that’s bad - right/wrong, morality, ethics, or whatever be damned.
Until we somehow convince these idiots that politics is not and never has been a fucking competition, we’re always going to have issues like this.
That’s a fair point, and I suppose the majority of people who use VPN services regularly (outside of a corporate environment) would be the ones to immediately jump ship if such legislation was even mentioned.
Sure, but I’m curious why it hasn’t already happened. Wouldn’t it be spun as “destruction of evidence” or whatever? Or could it be argued that since their “no logs” policy was established prior to any particular suspect utilizing their services, that it would not be destruction of evidence as there would’ve been no evidence to begin with?
I’m genuinely curious, this shit fascinates me.
Walker sounds like a fucking clown, maybe he should be impeached. That’s what we do to judges we disagree with, right?
Right? This part stuck out to me:
Oh, really, NOW you’re taking it seriously because you know you fucked up? What a fucking obviously canned corporate response. I’d be calling lawyers left and right after that, I bet more than a few would take it pro-bono.