I want them to. I opted in and use that feature.
I want them to. I opted in and use that feature.
Seems like they really thought they were right and argued with people. If only they realized it takes 2 people to argue.
Data so old it’s talking about Google music which isn’t even called that anymore. Amazing.
What was the point of your comment then if not a veiled suggestion to turn it off?
Don’t even bother to reply. I’m not going to fuel this shitty thread any further.
Nah I’m gonna pile on. Firefox is better.
I believe all they require is your email, but I understand.
But you can make a single account and then it’s never a barrier again.
He’s a billionaire, he’s a conservative, and he’s spouted falsehoods about covid.
I disliked him when he was less rich and more liberal after he called that dude a pedo because he didn’t like Musk’s idea for saving those trapped kids. He’s a child.
Rocket man is bad. Are you implying he isn’t? Two things can be bad at once.
100% against this. This attitude almost got ProJared canceled.
Ads work on the general population or else these companies would stop paying for them.
Yeah but I don’t want a laptop. Until people start making handhelds this good at that price (and there are competitors getting close) then the price seems fine.
It’s not useless. None of the launchers are. I greatly appreciate the auto updating of games, earning achievements, among others things. Sure they have issues, but they would have been dethroned years ago if people didn’t like their software compared to companies like Epic.
There’s a Japanese youtube channel that makes music under a blank name with blank titles. Thankfully you can google “blank japanese youtube channel” and it shows up lol
I’m not uninstalling rif. It’s going to sit there until I get a new phone.
And they speak German. I’ll trust the English countries on how to format numbers in English.
Yes, every single English speaking country uses a period for decimals. And English Wikipedia requires it in their style guide.
Wow they went from 1 user to 27. It feels like way more than 27 people
(I’m aware of what they meant, but it’s incorrect in English)
People are forced to deal with their crazy uncles. If they didn’t have to, they wouldn’t.