You’ll be fine.
You’ll be fine.
After stealing most of the information from Taiwan and the US.
Horrible horrible horrible.
Oh jeez those tattoos are awful. Why the fuck do people do that to their bodies?!?
He gets them to run in giant hamster wheels, generating electricity to sell back to the grid.
Mmmmm. Keeps the cheese from sliding off!
What a bunch of glue eaters.
I’m not a troll, thanks. I merely have a very dim view of adults watching this stuff because it turns out that 90% are obese incel neck beards who turn violent.
Typical anime fan.
So, not very fast or precise?
WTF kinda mask is that?!?
Interesting. I’ll have a look at those, thanks.
Laugh all you like. I’m not some McCarthy-era anti-commie witch Hunter.
I do however recognise the determination of both China and Russia (neither communist) to undermine whatever foundations are left of US democracy.
This is purely about subversive influence on the vulnerable and easily influenced people who use the platform, not about money.
This use actually makes sense.
And now the NZ government wants to encourage people to smoke again.
Oh gosh! I’m not allowed an opinion on tattoos? Wow.