Even so, I think I’ll hold off on calling anything AGI until it can at least solve simple calculus problems with a 90% success rate (reproducibly). I think that’s a fair criteria, in my opinion.
Doesn’t WolframAlpha already do this?
To be able to call someone, they must have sent at least one direct message to your account.
Emphasis mine.
To me, it seems like it means that for me to be able to call you, you need to send me at least one DM AND be following me. So, in essence, any rando that you folllow and have previously sent a DM to can call you.
Piggybacking onto this to mention my go-to online RegEx editor: RegExr. It lets you test the regex as you type, explains the particular symbols used, as well as has a sidebar where you can see different pattern types categorically. I’ve been using it for almost 2 years now, and haven’t had any reason to use much else (after I discovered this).