Opensuse already updated to 3.0rc some time ago
Opensuse already updated to 3.0rc some time ago
If you do politics for the rich and powerful only and the wallstreet still goes downhill, you have seriously fucked up
TBF Elon actually uncoverd a lot of corruption. Just not the way Trump thinks
Can’t be long until elmo censors starlink internet
I hope they also pirated from disney and nintendo
Yep, if the facts and their feeling don’t match, it’s the fact that are wrong
Now we need a package called alcohol that makes your laptop go to sleep but still drains its battery
I know some of these words
Funnily enough is was known for being quite cheap
Is there also something for roku sticks?
It does. New tech has new problems, but nothing we can’t work with
That’s actually quite right. Google single issue voter
You mean the one that didn’t even do proper line endings until recently?