If you live only for needs and don’t look past the base tier of Maslow’s Hierarchy, that’s a miserable existence.
Oh you live in a climate controlled building with electricity? Existence is more about comfort to you than survival.
I love reading, gaming, collecting and repairing old electronics and appliances, tabletop gaming, and flashlights
If you live only for needs and don’t look past the base tier of Maslow’s Hierarchy, that’s a miserable existence.
Oh you live in a climate controlled building with electricity? Existence is more about comfort to you than survival.
“You’re too ugly to get head at a glory hole.”
The Secret Service actually does a lot more, but it’s never really reported about. They investigate financial and cybercrime too.
Then there shouldn’t be such laws. It’s not the government’s job to parent.
I love my Pinecil V2. It was cheaper than my 40W entry level Weller station and heats up way faster. I run it off my Anker USB power supply and also my Anker USB power bank. The power bank only outputs 30 or 40 watts though so I might upgrade that in the future. High wattage power banks are expensive though :/
I just upgraded to a Pixel 7 Pro recently. Previously I had a Galaxy S8 that worked fine for about 7 years. It was really just showing its age. It still holds a charge halfway decently.
Might try installing GrapheneOS on it at some point.
It feels fairly high quality though and I’m hoping I’ll be able to get 7 years out of it like the Galaxy.
When I went to the Grand Canyon, I was shocked how many people stand right on the edge of a 300 foot drop. In a lot of areas, there are no guard rails (nor should there be), but so many people are just fucking stupid.
I joked you could probably kill someone by startling them with an airhorn but honestly it might work.
My rogue jammed a few door locks by cramming ball bearings into the keyholes once.
When is it next being acted on? I’d like to actually mail a physical letter explaining my concerns. Maybe they’d like it since they’re dinosaurs.
The laptop 3080tis have 16 gigs? The desktop ones only got 12.
There are rare circumstances where a discharge can be truly accidental. Older or defective designs that can cause a discharge if the gun is dropped.
It’s so dumb that Windows hides file extensions by default. They could just flip a toggle.
It’s a proven technology. Did you think Polio and Measles just went away on their own? When the polio vaccine became a thing, people lined up around the street to take them because they had firsthand experience with how debilitating these diseases are. It’s quite literally miracle technology.
People who are against vaccination have been used by con artists who will say anything inflammatory to gain notoriety and money and be on talk shows and sell books. Be mad at the people who fleeced you.
Now these diseases that have no place in modern society are making a comeback because of it.
Also, the fissile material has been radioactively decaying for decades and should no longer be refined enough to go critical.
I wonder if online multiplayer mods could be made for multiplayer games.
GIMP supports WebP now.
I don’t pay for Nitro but I don’t have a problem for people that do. Servers aren’t free so it’s that or ads.
I’m still rocking my Galaxy S8. Gonna use it till the battery is toast.
I’ll get occasional hangups and stuff but it’s definitely useable still.
I rescued a 2010 Macbook Pro from a recycling dropoff and the previous owner did not wipe it. They had an Excel file with all their logins in it. Bank accounts and all.
I’m not mad, I’m pointing out that the insinuation that eating food being purely a matter of survival without the consideration of enjoyment would not be very fulfilling.
If you make the argument that something as basic as consuming sustenance should not be enjoyed, anyone else could make the same argument about any of life’s enjoyments or comforts that you otherwise partake in.