By which method are you determining status?
By which method are you determining status?
Currently showing as 100% online. Are you sure about that?
Ah, ok. So if dies, but ! was federated to 2 different other instances, those instances wouldn’t be able to “talk to each other”? They’d just have snapshots that they could locally interact with, but never see anything else? So is the fate of the Lemmyverse a graveyard of communities from dead instances?
meaning you could read my reply on a community that basically no longer exists
oh really? does it actually work this way? if dies, can all its communities continue to live on as long as there are lemmy instances out there federated and subscribed?
I wonder about this as well – because communities are tied to a specific home instance, that instance going down affects that community, potentially killing it. Something more akin to hashtags/tags/labels wouldn’t be tied to an instance so they would be more robust, though you’d lose the moderation of a community and just have a firehose of posts/comments…
It’s called a single-point of failure in Engineering.
For that instance, yes. For the whole of Lemmy, no. Everything else keeps on chugging along.
why make users set a home instance? i can see a list of communities local to at in the [Local] tab, and i can search my home instance at i figured a search engine would span instances so users could find things across the lemmy-verse?
cleared cache, your url still gives me no results. in the top right the dropdown as “Ice Orchid”. I’m not sure what that is
Cool, how do I do it? still returns “Found 0 results in 0.01 seconds”
very cool, thanks for the feedback and the site! my question is more along the lines of whether someone interested in a topic would be able to find my community without knowing it existed in the first place?
I created ! – searching for “ultralight” returns zero results on your site whereas searching for it at least returns something on each lemmy instance i’ve searched
Agreed on the need to adjust mindset. Initially I behaved similarly to how I did on that other site until I realized that Lemmy is different and that’s ok. It’s a lot smaller and federation has its advantages and drawbacks and we’ll see it in action soon enough. Many seek the comfort of the familiar and are not always finding it. Start by appreciating the hard work that has allowed many of us to transition here quite easily. Take a deep breath, look around and realize that we are now playing a different game.
I already have! Come join us in ! 🤓
It’s ok to have a boring life, I think it’s worth examining why that is felt to be as issue. we’ve been so conditioned by social media to project otherwise
Glad to hear from you! It’s ok to chat here, it’s a much smaller and more friendly place 😊 are there good bots?
Lemmy has cleared some early hurdles to grow from near-zero to 60k DAUs in a month. I’ve enjoyed talking to people over the past month in a more friendly and intimate way than on that other site. The main communities are fun and viable but the niche ones are mostly empty. I run a niche hobby community and despite having a few hundred subscribers <5% have ever commented, <0.5% have posted. I think Lemmy needs to be perhaps 10x larger than it is now to be self-sustaining for niche communities.