I’m just going to mark this comment for reference next week.
I’m just going to mark this comment for reference next week.
Climate Change is already Newspeak, adopted when there was political pushback against “global warming.”
Your friends are laughing at you behind your back. Kill them.
It is a test that AI fails on many platforms. Can’t count letters.
It is cheaper to live in Europe for the duration of the degree. I have friends who did this.
The Water of Life features in lots of fairy tales. Is that what is being referred to? Is Water of Death another name for an alcohol?
Yes, because “family values” means anti gay and anti abortion.
The documentary “The Family” offers the explanation that Russia has a strong traditional family values contingent that appeals to the right-wing idealogy.
It’s one banana, Michael. How much can it cost?
The SEC? Do they still have boats?
The scary thing is that he didn’t invent that concept. It has been raging since before the Satanic Panic. He just gave those people a platform.
Yeah, you can appreciate that people are complicated, and bad people can create good things. If you try to only read books by people who are morally above reproach, you will wind up with a pretty short reading list.
On the veranda.
China has a very large capita.