I had no idea there was a shopping list app. We’ve been using Keep for that kind of list and it syncs pretty quick, but no idea about Home.
I had no idea there was a shopping list app. We’ve been using Keep for that kind of list and it syncs pretty quick, but no idea about Home.
How many people clicked the phishing links in your college papers?
Have you tried paying for YouTube premium? Or is there some 3rd definition of can’t you wanna make up?
This article is literally about how they tested 25 brands and zero of them passed privacy review.
I take the bus to work every day. It’s a set route for my set work schedule and it’s great.
But everything else I do in my life? Not on a bus route, schedules are slow on the weekend or stop completely after a certain time.
When you come up with a bus that goes wherever I want to go when I want, I’m in. Until then, a car that doesn’t require a driver and is easily shared between many people to take them the last mile is an actual solution.
Zero risk difference only after you’ve hit 50. The areas have different minimum levels, so if you made a new character and wandered into hawezar, you’ll have level 40 mobs around.
All altar and map progress is saved to your account starting yesterday, not until yesterday.
And all progress from any character you log in with will be transferred to your account. So it doesn’t matter which order you sign in with.
New player general tips:
always play however you find most fun, if you’re looking to be efficient or aren’t sure where to start…
you get your mount at the very beginning of act IV if you want to get more mobility.
if you just do the main story (yellow quest markers), you’ll be slightly under leveled by the end of the game.
get renown up at least up to level 1 for each region. The extra skill points and bonus XP are great
probably the best things to do for renown are strongholds and side quests. Strongholds are usually 100+20 renown for the included waypoint. Side quests that are also in dungeons will yield 20+30 renown
Make sure you level up your healing potions every 10ish levels!
salvaging gear will give you mats you’ll really want later in the game. You’ll probably have enough gold and can skip selling
500 is the initial limit, which you can expand via Lilith altars and renown level 4.
Events can drop 50+ so you can definitely that limit faster than you think
The initialism is decades older than any iDevice. Go complain to people on USENET from before you were born.