Yeah this is what I’m confused about, why would you send your potential catfish victims to the same place where they can talk to each other and then ignore them?
Yeah this is what I’m confused about, why would you send your potential catfish victims to the same place where they can talk to each other and then ignore them?
This makes the most sense, but I still find it odd that they would send victims to the same discord server, or friendica.
except bifold and trifold are established terms for wallets, brochures, etc.
I think it makes more sense like this, anyway, especially considering that those words don’t really refer to the folds themselves. (trifold can just mean triple)
And here I am on GrapheneOS trying to get rid of Google. Although I personally would rule out Huawei for privacy concerns. (and the price, of course)
But if you don’t care about that, what’s stopping you from using Aurora store and your bank’s website?
The first part is true, it’s super expensive. But anecdotally therapy is very socially acceptable and mental health is openly talked about, in younger generations at least.
Not sure why you’re being downvoted for this, especially when you state it as your belief.
I do think it’s likely accurate, too. If you look at brain scans, we can see that decisions are made before we’re consciously aware of them. Also split brain patients will attribute intent to actions of their completely separate hemisphere.
I don’t think this is a healthy mindset, though. Personally I think this way as a coping mechanism more than anything else, even if I do genuinely believe it’s likely how the universe works.
I actually think that’s worse for the customer. This way, games will be targeted to run well on the steam deck throughout its lifetime.
Yep. Strong bases feel soapy to the touch, not because they are, but because they’re literally turning your skin into soap almost instantly.
The McDonald’s coffee thing was because it was way hotter than necessary, and caused severe burns. So not as frivolous as it was made to seem.
I’ve never done sous vide myself, but I’ve heard canning jars can work as well.
There are color e-ink screens for things like comics, although I don’t think there’s any foldable e-ink yet. And yeah, lack of decent video playback means it would be kinda niche.
This isn’t about “AI”, it’s about greedy landlords.
It’s a waste of hardware, and a waste of energy that could be doing something useful.
I definitely think the newer design looks better, although it is less functional and has more unnecessary crap. I definitely prefer the compact view over the the card view. Back when I still used Reddit I used the old design with custom css though.
Ah yes, let me add some Microsoft spyware to my Google spyware
Yeah kitty is really good. I did mostly choose it for the name, but it might be the best terminal emulator out there. It’s fast, with a lot of great modern features.
But a higher expiratory volume and higher VO2max is better. So they have an advantage in grip strength and a disadvantage in everything else…
Also consider that even within cis women, there’s a huge variation in ability. So there are plenty of cis women with a higher grip strength than some trans women.
When we’re talking about trans kids, it’s about puberty blockers. Why force children to go through puberty that they didn’t consent to? Puberty has permanent effects.
You seem misinformed about trans people in sports, but I think the other comment covered it. Also consider that it’s just a small minority of people, most of which are not even doing that well in their sport and just want to participate like anyone else.
And as far as labels go, that’s because of the culture war.
Can’t even wear drag now without being called trans.
The left certainly isn’t saying this. That attitude comes from ignorance and not knowing the difference. If you had interacted with the trans community, you would know that we’re not putting people in boxes or reinforcing gender roles. Especially when you consider nonbinary people.
Labels are actually important. “cross dressing” and being trans are two completely different things. One is personal expression, while the other is identity. A trans man could wear a dress, for example, and it wouldn’t make him less of a man.
It’s because the US is supporting Ukraine in fighting against Putin. In Israel, the US is supporting Netanyahu.
If we were funding Putin’s war, you would see a different reaction. There’s just less of a reason to complain if we’re already against Russia as a country.
Same, it’s really easy to keep them separate mentally.
I think QWERTY may even be better for typing on a phone, because common letters are more spread out, leading to fewer errors.