Findroid is a complete rewrite of the Jellyfin app, merging it into the official one is unfortunately not feasible.
Findroid is a complete rewrite of the Jellyfin app, merging it into the official one is unfortunately not feasible.
Have you thought of the Wordle wordlist by default and let the user override it via a config option? This would cut down on the per-distro variability. IIRC the wordlist itself it around 14KB so not terribly large. You could even pull it from the GH via curl during installation if you’d like. I don’t think I’d mind implementing this if your interested.
I have one behind my TV that controls LED lights, although that may count as electronics. I’ve used PIs many times for when I just need a cheap computer doing computery things such as playing audio from spotify out of a speaker. They’re small enough to fit pretty much anywhere with the help of some velcro.
HDMI has ethernet support?
HDMI has ethernet support?
A VPN you could use on your phone, computer, laptop, tablet, TV, Samsung SmartFridge, etc. I’ll admit it’s a bit more involved than ssh -L ...
but it’s well worth it. Especially if you’re the only one using it. After setting up Wireguard I’ve elimated all my router port forwards except SSH and WG
Why not use a proper VPN instead of SSH tunnels?
The PopOS tiling window manager sadly doesn’t compare to a proper one.