Thanks for this!! I became spoiled with Arc’s UI, but it’s a Chrome based browser. This looks like it’s the same experience without the bs.
Thanks for this!! I became spoiled with Arc’s UI, but it’s a Chrome based browser. This looks like it’s the same experience without the bs.
Tbh I didn’t even mind what the bot was trying to do. I just remember opening what felt like every post and seeing dozens of lines taken up by the bot. I ended up just blocking it and cross-referencing with ground news myself.
Donations do not obligate anyone to do anything. It’s a donation, not pay. They should be done out of appreciation for someone’s time and effort, or to help support any potential work the project decides to do. But never with the expectation that you’re owed something back for donating.
I’ve been using Netlify for smaller apps, but lately Railway has been my go to. Pretty cheap too and it covers mostly everything you’ll need to deploy app regardless of language or framework. Their UI makes it all very easy to manage with the “nodes”.
Both of those services (as do most) give you the option to load environment variables onto the app itself.
So the process is normally this: You have env vars you’re using locally like API tokens that you’re putting in your .env during development. Now you’re ready to deploy. Because you’ve gitignored that file locally, you don’t have to worry about secrets being in your code base, but also, because they’re environment variables, you’re framework will see those variables available in the “box”.
Ultimately, there’s no difference between having stuff in your local .env and injected by a service during deployment. Just make sure the env var keys are the same in each case.
Hope that’s not too confusing. If so, I’m happy to clarify anything.
EDIT: also wanna add that Supabase isn’t that bad. It helps you know exactly what you need it to provide for you and then start searching away to see how to slowly put together each of those pieces. With them, I usually start with the Auth stuff, then move on to my database and storage. Functions last if the project calls for them. There’s quite a bit of info out there if you know specifically what you’re wanting to solve at the moment.
You don’t really need to know a specific language to self-host anything. But things like YAML, JSON, Docker, and some networking basic will go a long way.
If I could do anything different though, it would definitely be to write more documentation. Document the steps taking setting things up, log notes on when you have to fix something, archive webpages and videos that you used along the way. Currently doing that myself now after some time self-hosting.
Greta article talking about this very same guy and the mole who helped release the info.
“CrimeDad” asking us about our security setups? Good try buddy.
I personally prefer consistent and smaller releases. It offers less opportunity for big bugs to creep in along with smaller fixes and features.
I saw agile mentioned here but here’s another suggestion. Agile can be helpful in the right situations but for solo devs/tiny teams, I really recommend looking into Basecamps “Shape Up” method. It uses longer cycles vs shorter sprints with a cool down period in between.
So in the case of OP, they could set a 6 week cycle and plan for things that can definitely be completed during that time period. Right at the end of the cycle you release. The goal is to finish before the cooldown to give yourself time to breathe and plan what to do for your next cycle. Play around with a fun feature, learn about a new tool or technique you wanna try, organizing your backlog, etc. You don’t want to spill tasks into the cooldown. Else it’s not a cooldown.
The online version of the Shape Up book is free and can be found here.
Wow… I feel dumb. I’ve used Bruno for over a year now and never noticed.
From the video I saw of the incident, it looks like they were flying them from a safe distance to the crowd. But possibly some kind of interference or routine code bug caused some to drop and others to shoot out in random directions at full speed. As an FPV pilot, it’s crazy how fast they can pick up speed. I wonder if they lost all TX/RX abilities in order to turn them off. It happened to me once, luckily in a field alone and was only able to find it because of the stupid loud beeper I put on it.
I think drone shows are super neat, but there maybe needs to be a minimum distance regulation and required netting in front of crowds before we keep bringing the tech to events.
Sorry, misread your comment.
Last I read that claimed was confirmed as untrue. City Bike said it wasn’t one of theirs.
More like a Goebbels level than a guard. Guard would be like a customer service agent. The CEO was way more involved than that.
Rockstor here. Which is interesting bc I’ve been thinking about setting up another NAS.
That’s what I’ve been running on my gaming machine and it’s been great.
It’s bound to happen when sarcasm is met with sarcasm.
Have a link for it? Or some specific keyword I can search for? I have tons of components sitting around and a 3D printer.
Oh that’s really neat. It would be extremely helpful for situations like the hurricanes in the US these past months.
Isn’t this kinda how the SS came to be?