I’ve shucked probably 100s of those WD essentials and they just had a little SATA -> USB adapter on it. It’s been a few years but it doesn’t seem like they’d make a whole new PCB just to include USB.
I’ve shucked probably 100s of those WD essentials and they just had a little SATA -> USB adapter on it. It’s been a few years but it doesn’t seem like they’d make a whole new PCB just to include USB.
Red Lobster has been going downhill for decades. It’s probably better to put it out of its misery than let it limp along for 20 more years.
I don’t see any “corporate theft” here at all. It’s not like a mom & pop was bought and then closed. It’s just another shitty corporate owned business unable to operate as if it’s still 1970 closing their doors. Nothing of value was lost.
“Shitty overpriced chain restaurant unable to compete with shitty, overpriced but locally owned restaurant.”
I agree with everything you said but I don’t actually see a solution you’ve posted. Yes we could grow up and have a more mature view of sex and the human body but that doesn’t change the ease of access or manufacturing potentially illegal material right now.
Of course, do you think people just go on the internet and tell lies?
Unless it’s one you can’t, looking at you iCloud.
5/10 even after reading this thread and looking at eyes and earlobes.
Because fuck Netflix, nobody believes for a minute they’re not profitable and couldn’t afford to pay writers and actors.
Sometimes kbin will ask me to login again but I just refresh and it’ll show me logged in, I think it’s a federation issue if people haven’t interacted with the post or something?
Other times it’ll ask me to login and return a CSRF token error and if I refresh it again, it’ll fix it.
Minor bugs, everything has mostly been pretty smooth. Just using a shortcut on my homescreen, no apps or anything.
Yeah, medicine is one of the areas where I really feel like AI could make serious strides. Most people don’t have a doctor they see regularly anyway so any input would be welcome. Anecdotally I’ve known several people who were misdiagnosed or just had doctors not believe them.
Of course I’d want to be able to escalate and have different treatment options but I could probably be ok with AI-assisted medicine.
It’s definitely part of a process. There’s a reason all the scumbags in congress are lawyers.
If Musky was half the genius he thinks he is he never would’ve tried to change the name. Everyone know the name Twitter. Freakin world leaders send out “tweets” to their followers; the brand recognition has to be extremely valuable right?
He bought the company and is apparently doing everything in his power to fuck it up. He’s either stupid or this is all part of some illuminati-type plan and he’s playing kal-toh.
What’s the opposite of shocked? I’m that.
That’s why Jack Dorsey jumped on it. Why spend all your time and energy maintaining a completed project when you can take $44 billion and explore other, new projects…
Can you not opt out of seeing NSFW magazines? I see your acct is on kbin, pretty sure that’s an option.
Tried a bunch of apps and settled on Sync and ended up using it for years. Really solid app and agree about trusting it. I’m on kbin now but that may change once it’s released.
I haven’t gone back since the blackout, I get my content here and some other bookmarks I’d forgotten about.
Turns out a whole bunch of us were sick of reddit anyway and were eagerly awaiting a new place to go. I’d have never heard of the Fediverse if reddit hadn’t been dicks about API pricing. I knew as soon as I came here and started exploring that this was the way to go; reddit is old news, it’s been around for 18 years, that’s forever in internet time. It’s time to move onto the next thing and the idea of hundreds (thousands!) of federated servers talking and sharing content across platforms is very exciting to me.
He’ll be able to work some sort of grift off of it for sure but I feel like this definitely gives some Republicans an “out.”
Now they just have to take it.