The car screen is a nice flat surface to attach the suction cup of your phone mount.
The car screen is a nice flat surface to attach the suction cup of your phone mount.
In the press conference he’s trying to pin it on DEI. Disgusting behaviour.
The shiny new thing can be better code to do the same thing.
Buy VPN stonks.
Time to change banks
Just put it on its side.
So be good at it.
Foldables have it on the side/power button but are priced as if they had 100 ultrasonic fingerprint readers under each screen.
Free speech != hate speech. Maybe in USA it does, but other countries are free to set their own laws on the subject.
Grab em by the peach tree
Leave the grid out of it. Your PV’s charge your battery with DC, that gets used as DC by the USB-PD outlets in your wall. And you have an AC-DC converter for when you need to consume grid power.
I can’t remember if it was Matt Parker or Tom Scott who did a thing about this on youtube, and I think the answer was no, they just use whatever method is easiest to get these numbers, and they’re not even using a consistent methodology from one country to the next.
That’s fine, I won’t even see it until somebody asks me on slack if I saw their email.
Reminds me of the KSP2 fiasco. Management insisting on reusing the engine from the old game, and firing all the senior devs who could have told them there was no possibility of getting the features they’d announced to work without rewriting the engine from scratch.
So about $25 per violation. Seems low.
Like that one scene from The Algebraist by Iain M Banks.
I’m guessing they started with Carlin to get all the fuss out of the way up front, so they can get on with doing all the others with minimal outcry.
Does he know about this? Is he in the room with you right now?