of fascists would just impose fascism on you.
this is an unsupported hypothesis. how would you test it?
of fascists would just impose fascism on you.
this is an unsupported hypothesis. how would you test it?
that requires laws, and as an anarchist, I oppose laws. it’s one thing to have a council of judges, but it’s another to have immutable laws written by people who weren’t involved with the circumstances at hand deciding for those people what justice is.
I don’t presume to tell you and your community how to deal with your problems.
i’m talking about federal prosecutors locking people in cages.
there would be no lawyers or courts. there would be communities.
it’s one team, and locking people in cages is just as bad whether you wear pantsuit or jackboots
when her victims are freed and made whole, I’ll see if I have time to mourn
it’s not locking people in cages.
if you are a cop, you are upholding a system of oppression. that’s a choice. they could choose not to be cops.
United States attorneys are officials of the U.S. Department of Justice who serve as the chief federal law enforcement officers in each of the 94 U.S. federal judicial districts.
from Wikipedia
justice doesn’t come from the law
I’m literally an anarchist
she’s a fucking prosecutor
in Pennsylvania you need a license to carry to transport a gun at all. whoever made this map doesn’t know what they’re talking about.
since when do we like cops
it is pretty terrifying to debootstrap over ssh. constantly checking that you’re on the correct system, and using the chrooted terminal. it’s like a high wire act. at least the first few times.
debootstrap makes this easy, and familiarity with that process introduces chroot skills.
normativaty is the hegemony’s method of assimilation. keep queerness radical, and stay out of the fucking imperial army
u had one!??
the best smart phone I ever had was the BlackBerry q10
you don’t know if someone killed her, or who, or why. but we do know she chose a fundamentally immoral job.