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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • The only issues I have are with the Battlenet launcher, it sometimes crashes during startup when first opening D4 seemingly at random but once the game is running I don’t have any issues. Currently running it on Proton Experimental.

    As far as settings go, at default settings D4 seems to be extremely taxing on the GPU (constant >=97% usage, high temps, crashes regularly after running for a while), although this seems to be common to all systems including PS5/Xbox.

    Locking refresh rate and in-game menu FPS to 50fps keeps the power and GPU usage much lower and I get stable performance with no crashes.

  • Play it on the couch sitting next to my wife while we watch tv or movies in the evenings.

    Spending nights sitting at a desktop (or monopolizing the TV) is frequently impractical and honestly unappealing to me, the SD makes it extremely convenient to play whenever.

    The other big appeal is emulation- it wasn’t why I purchased one, but setting up Emudeck and Steam Rom Manager is incredibly convenient and lets you easily run anything up to WiiU/PS3 gen seamlessly from game mode. For that alone I would recommend it, the ease of access and convenience is amazing.

  • There have been a few posts with individual testing results that show there is a clear preference between certain item types and mob types, but we don’t have a complete/comprehensive list yet. It’s pretty easy to see for yourself if you run the same dungeon several times in a row and fill your inventory a few times.

    The information most widely circulated is the Maxroll list, which is based on pre-release information and has been proven to be incorrect on a few details already. I don’t have a link handy but there were some detailed posts in the official D4/Blizzard forums (PC General Discussion).

  • Cellars are probably the safest but lowest return, maybe do some whisper quests to gear up at first.

    After that, Uldur’s Cave (south of the Iron Wolves Encampment) normal dungeon has high mob density and fairly easy enemies to deal with, it’s a great place for xp and drops and relatively safe. I would stay there until you are tanky enough for NMD.

  • Two main reasons:

    1. It’s about the leveling experience being different every season. MMO fans don’t typically understand that the fun in ARPGs (usually) comes from variety, whether that be different skill builds or different loot along the way making every playthrough a little different. Seasons also change mechanics and add new season-exclusive items to tweak the leveling experience.

    2. New season-only items, cosmetics, and battle pass. Everything other than the battle pass should usually be available on the Eternal realm after the season ends, but you get it sooner on the new Season realm.

  • “Shout builds” aren’t a thing, since all shouts are support skills. There isn’t anything like the Singer/War Cry Barbarian from D2.

    You’re right that the skill system in D4 tends to homogenize builds due to powerful cooldown skills though. Sorc has the same exact issue, where you keep the same 4 cooldown defensive skills in every build.

    The class with the most skill diversity overall is Rogue I think, although there are still several skills with next to no use at the moment. Rogue at least has lots of options for Core skill/spender, and a variety of play styles (melee, ranged, traps).

  • My biggest problems are with the MMO aspects (renown grinding and fetchquests), they really slow down the gameplay in a bad way to me and will not be fun to redo once seasons start.

    It really detracts from replayability, I used to really enjoy starting new characters in D2/D3 but it feels like a slog in D4 since it takes so long for the game to open up.

    Presentation is overall fantastic though, the character designs and equipment are great and the music is phenomenal (headphones needed), both are huge steps up from D3 for me.

    Class balance and skill balance is clearly not finished yet and needs some work, endgame is extremely narrow and feels bad for some classes. That will definitely get some rebalancing, hopefully more builds can be viable by season 1.