Where the juror is convinced that the legislature did not appropriately consider the specific circumstance of the accused, the juror is constitutionally permitted to return a “just” verdict, consistent with their own morality.
As I’ve said elsewhere, this is just made up poppycock that sounds nice.
I’m sure that wherever that’s written down in the “rules” it also says all good dogs go to heaven right?
Anyhow, as we seem to have exhausted your repertoire of made up constitutional wisdom I think I’ll leave you to continue reassuring yourself that the founding fathers invented jury nullification and wanted Luigi to walk free.
While I look forward to reading your final parting dispensation of mythical wondery, I will not reply.
I don’t think this is true unless you’re diabetic.
For non-diabetics insulin will store all the glucose just fine. Even if you have an elevated level for several hours I don’t think that’s particularly problematic to your health. It’s problematic to diabetics because their levels are elevated perpetually.