Should have been an AI generated voice narrating the issue showing the words on the screen with Minecraft gameplay as background.
Idiocracy is now
Should have been an AI generated voice narrating the issue showing the words on the screen with Minecraft gameplay as background.
Idiocracy is now
I like that now games try to fitt within the capabilities of handhelds, which I see as a win-win situation. Games focused on gameplay rather than aesthetics and better optimization for games.
Dude, I have an i5 8600k with a RTX 3070, using Arch. There is nothing to fear, yes I had issues some time ago when I had the GTX 1080 but not any more. I’m even using Hyprland. Give it a try on another with another disk.
Oh no, now there is a security audit and the pdf generated is insecure, the unpaid developer that has not logged in since 2015 has to fix this ASAP
“Now now, come an tell uncle Musky what’s worrying you”
When the chats leak there will a “at least I’m not a virgin”, 100% guaranteed
Could you elaborate on the advantages, I’m using wayland and steam for games, no issues so far.
“Who fast-tracked this shit?” -me
“It’s a small change, should be safe, we will test it in production” -also me
Check your journald and/or make your script log it’s actions.
Script > ~/script.log
According to the Arch Wiki you need to place the .desktop file in:
You also need to add the following line to the .desktop file:
But that’s probably the hard way to do it, I think the settings panel should also have a Startup Application tab.
What are you using as a Desktop Environment? Certain with DEs the Autostart programs need to be added in the config file.
I suppose you need a program that scans the active window, highlights the clickable or scrollable areas and then the click hotkey.
Honestly, no idea…
Sounds cool though
You are looking at it the wrong way.
Any more capacity is just a waste of precious battery materials and extra bulk to carry around for no reason.
It’s not about using more, it’s about getting more battery life from less resources and at the same size. Of course, also safely.
For what you got on exchange at the time it was worth it, imo. Battery technology is still holding technology back.
That is what Tesla did but quality didn’t hold up.
That is correct, there was a pre-established market that refused to advance (check the Sony Ericsson smartphones before the iPhone), same with the iPod. Once they got a product with market breaking features, it became a global phenomenon. I wonder what current markets are held down due to lack of imagination or greed.
I think you have gotten a lot of good answers so my 2 cents are. Install something simple like Ubuntu and try it out. Getting the answers to your questions will not give you the “feel” of using a linux system. Once you start you will begin to have more answers and a lot more questions, specifically in the areas you are interested in.
Also check the Arch wiki, it is really good for any distro because it gives a good reference for configurations.
Industry groups argued that those museums didn’t have “appropriate safeguards” to prevent users from distributing the games once they had them in hand.
So libraries are also illegal? Books, DVDs, VHS, CDS, etc. You can replace games with any of those.
But they will have a mean onion dip recipe
Bro, just use AI, bro, you don’t need developers, bro, also skip the testing, bro, who is going to hack your SaaS, bro