I think you’re confusing the false god “Forethought” with the real God from gnostic writings.
I think you’re confusing the false god “Forethought” with the real God from gnostic writings.
If your understanding of Christianity is based upon how well mainstream Christianity understands it, then you don’t actually understand it, only the warped form that it takes after thousands of years of infighting and political manoeuvring. For example, did you know that at one point it was actually taboo to depict Christ (or Mary) as a human?
Yea, both Democrats and Republicans have a pretty solid history of voting in lock step on matters of giving themselves more power.
Christianity is virtually always represented by those who either don’t understand it, or are deliberately slandering it.
They belong together.
You can tell that someone is lying about their work in quantum physics when they claim to understand quantum physics.
How do you know it isn’t actually Eden, but you just focus on all the wrong things to see it?
Trying to push the entire world’s population into the same spaces. Sometimes, it actually does make sense to have spaces specifically for those with common experiences, like men’s and women’s spaces, or nationally segregated political spaces.
Social media NEEDING new content by the minute simply in order to survive.
Heavy reliance on volunteer moderation.
The only people you actually end up reaching are people with good intentions who don’t need to hear it in the first place. “Stop taking advantage of people” is a message which can usually be dispensed only by force. The moral panic over “toxic masculinity” did very little to affect those who actually caused problems, but a great deal to disenfranchise those who would actually make bad actors stop taking advantage of others.
They destroyed far more than just America, everyone’s just too myopically focused on America’s problems to notice what they’ve done to themselves by attempting to copy the digitization of society.
Whoops. Accidentally suppressed discussions regarding the accidental suppression of discussions. Those darned silly technical glitches are just so unpredictable.
Collective punishment
Are ad blockers to blame?
Why do you make me hit you?
I wasn’t being silly. They’ve literally been pushing that argument.
On the off chance that you’re serious, methane also breaks down incredibly fast, so it’s a complete non issue regardless of how much they produce.
Neither the position to keep all the old solutions because they are old nor to adopt all the new solutions because they are new is sensible.
That’s what really bothers me about it. I actually got an education in STEM and was really hyped to contribute to building new technologies, until I came to understand that the people leading the charge appear to be hardliners driving as forcefully as they can to implement a completely artificial world right here and now.
They’re already attacking agriculture for the existential threat of cow farts.
The more I’ve learned about technology, the more hardline I’ve become against having it in my life.
The world is not a blank slate to paint on. Every new thing that you add to your life takes away something which used to be there in previous generations, and the consequences of such can be far reaching and unpredictable. Society as it was, was not built overnight through deliberate intention, but was hard won by millennia of blood, sweat and tears. Changing everything now on the whims of fully grown toddlers who are so wealthy that they’ve never even been aware of the existence of the real world is the peak of insanity.
I think your argument relates closely to something I’ve noticed happening over and over with more than just game developers. Far too often I see people expressing frustration that the Internet doesn’t give them more accurate information about the real world. Way too many people, apparently including many of the richest and most powerful people alive, have come to see the Internet as a magical machine that will do anything they want it to do… if only people would use it differently! Like, they legitimately seem to expect the entire population to post their entire lives online, unfiltered, so they can be used as automatons by people they’ve never even met.