They do.
They do.
If you don’t bother to vote, you’re not a voter.
I’m not a historian, but my guess is that we have lived too many generations without major political incident; the kind you’re supposed to make heads roll over.
Really though? Just off the top of my head:
Eisenhower to Nixon
Bush II
There are, they are being reported. I couldn’t speculate as to why you are missing them.
Indirect inspiration. Hitler got it from Mussolini, who got it from Gabriele d’Annunzio, who got it from a Broadway production of Ben-Hur, which got it from the US Pledge of Allegiance, which got it from the painting.
Not likely. There wouldn’t be enough working hours in the 4 years available.
The FBI’s long-standing definition of terrorism includes property damage.
Is blowing a railway bridge not terrorism? It’s just property. As is a water treatment plant. As is a nuclear power station.
The path of escalation to extremism is well attested to in history. For example, in Britain, the Suffragettes began by marching. Then chaining themselves to railings and slashing paintings. Then they threatened Jewish politicians as “enemies of the state”. Then they blew up mail boxes. Then they left bombs on trains. Then they tried to blow up dams to flood cities. Then they set a crowded theatre on fire to try to kill the Prime Minister, and to blow up a mail sorting office with the 200 employees in it. Many of the leaders of the WSPU later became high-ranking members of the British fascist movement, and some were detained for attempting to assist the Third Reich in infiltrating Britain.
The point is, where does the law step in to stop it? Since Oklahoma and certainly 9/11, the American doctrine has been to catch it early and prevent the higher cost attacks.
And it takes one attack that crosses the line to hand Trump his Reichstag Fire moment just like Bush had.
It’s a military fortress housing the head of one of the most militaristic nations on Earth. It has redundancies.
Trump isn’t happy unless he’s fucking someone over. Should people debase themselves to his level?
It’s politically motivated property damage, which is terrorism. It starts with light arson, and when that doesn’t bring down the government, it escalates and before too long there’s a truckload of fertiliser outside the White House because someone doesn’t know when to stop.
Those times were 30 years ago as of tomorrow. Since Oklahoma, the FBI has been very interested in domestic political violence and terror.
They are legally obliged to refuse to carry out illegal orders. “Just following orders” is no defence against war crime charges.
Acting like a grotty, backward, small-minded country again.
Hold up. She was tired of the Nazi association with a Tesla, so she traded in for a Mercedes?
Indeed, longbowmen can be identified as their skeletons are significantly deformed over years of training.
So that they can process all your input.
Just there?
For the aristocracy, the people who work “real jobs” are the black sheep. A gentleman is supposed to live off the land (rents) and to otherwise be a mere amateur.
The English aristocracy never quite got comfortable with English, the language of the unwashed. So they keep Norman French alive in weird pronunciations of names. The Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes family are no different.
It’s called cold weather.