Name calling. The liberal go to move. LMAO.
From who, lol?
Fear mongering.
No they wont. Fear mongering.
That’s the dumbest shit lve ever heard. Do you really that ridiculous extremes make a point at all. You’re a fool.
Don’t worry, JD will be President soon enough.
It doesn’t sound shameful to me. Based on what i read in that article I totally support it.
Like his son.
Cant wait for this feeble POS to be a memory.
Remote workers took advantage of the companies they worked for and most definitely did less. I base that opinion on being an essential worker that had to pick up the slack from all the ‘work’ from home people.
That guy can smoke a turd in hell for all i care.
Im actually GenX. Being ‘afraid’ is just a way to keep the focus on them…because they hate it when its not.
Nothing bad is going to happen to anyone.
Pure speculation and fear mongering.
The Biden economy is anything but strong. Even traditional liberal leaning media outlets agree. The American people have done with less under his administration.
Also, who exactly was defrauded?
I think they make enough to pay their bills, sure. Teachers even have the summers off for side work. And to be honest, if they don’t understand how loans work should they be teaching our kids?
I sure have. Started working 16 hours days in the summer months on the local farms custom baling hay and straw when I was 13. I have had many jobs since then, always bettering myself. I’m not rich, but I’m doing ok. I pay my taxes. I’m the callused hands of the working class that actually pays their bills and lives within their means. You?
That would be a fair statement, and also makes a perfect example of why a college educated person, that makes more than a high school educated person, should be able to pay the money they owe.
Bullshit, conservatives are realistic, and the majority in the USA based on the popular vote, house, senate, and Presidency. The people spoke, and they told liberals to shut the fuck up already. Read the room.