I definitely support federal Privacy legislation. Here’s at least one take on the issue.
I definitely support federal Privacy legislation. Here’s at least one take on the issue.
I never knew anybody who used it. I had one contact on ICQ. Everybody else used AIM.
Tildes fits that description. The posts are text-only or links to websites. No memes.
I use that site in addition to Lemmy, not as a replacement but a supplement. It’s just a different flavor of discussion.
It’s invite-only but I can give you an invitation code if you’re interested. Take a look, see if you like it, and send me a private message if you want an invitation.
Maybe it’ll be the SWiitch.
Cloudflare’s blocks known malware domains, so that’s better than unless you want nothing blocked.
If you want to block ads and trackers in addition to malware, try ControlD’s .
Better still is to use encrypted DNS if your device supports it. I like NextDNS or ControlD for that, as DNS-Over-TLS or -HTTPS.
This appears to be an advertisement. Why post it here?
There’s also the European Commission (as in the EU), and the Fedora Project (as in Fedora Linux).
Jerboa has that option.
In which country is your company based?
Non-paywalled link: https://wapo.st/3Yl9nNK
The title sounds a bit misleading. So here’s what the article is really about:
“The latest effort, to be detailed at the massive annual Def Con hacking conference in Las Vegas next week, seeks to provide a foundation for messaging, file sharing and even social networking apps without harvesting any data, all secured by the kind of end-to-end encryption that makes interception hard even for governments.”
Mastodon is a huge part of the Fediverse. It allows you to control who can follow you (you can set it to prompt you to approve each new follower). You can make your posts visible to your followers only. Each post you make has a visibility option, and you can set it to followers-only by default.