Didn’t he apologize for that and said had he known what was unleashed he would have shut it down?
Didn’t he apologize for that and said had he known what was unleashed he would have shut it down?
Not sure why you keep trying to justify it. I said I get and to do what you must. And we will do the same. Just accept that we won’t particularly care what happens to you all the way over on the other side. The commonwealth is truly dead.
Your pathetic government wont do anything about pine gap. Keep thinking you have a spine. BTW, how are those US subs coming along.
For sure. Every country for itself. Just remember that in the near future when China is parked on your coastline and causing problems for all of you. I’ll be writing my MP urging them to stay out of it since we trade with China and generally get along. Cheers.
Clearly some countries didn’t get the memo. Guess it’s time to update the list of limp-wrist cunts for future reference. UK and Australia are really showing their true colours in all this.
I tend to agree that people who eat meat and outsource the dirty work without a care in the world as to how it gets to their table are just as guilty as the operators.
We are both doomed.