Or forbid network access in graphene os
Verspielt verspult 🧑💻
Or forbid network access in graphene os
Just checked and i guess you’re right! Time to do some distro hopping again lol.
Not the heroes we deserve, but the ones we need.
Would be great to see some major distros shipping with KDE by default. Fedora e.g. had this idea a little while ago.
I have a suspicion that this isn’t even about culture or revenue anymore. It’s about control.
I have the same setup, you have to add the line Environment="HSA_OVERRIDE_GFX_VERSION=10.3.0"
for that specific GPU to the ollama.service file
I was just trying to say that i hope that the creators of custom roms will still be able to do their work, which i don’t take for granted. Google doesn’t make their money with the phones themselves but with the data they get from the os thats running on them.
I wonder what this will mean for custom roms. Mediatek are among the only chipsets with available microcode and therefor e.g. supported by OpenWRT, which gives me hope.
I am on Fedora as well and have used the microsoft wireless dongle with the medisalix/xone kernel module in the past, but i stopped using it since it had me pull and plug the dongle once every while to make it work again.
Nowadays i just use bluetooth (with my xbox one and xbox series x controller). You actually don’t need any additional packages for that. Three things to consider about this:
All that said, once paired and configured it just works ™. Feel free to reach out if you need further information.
To me this is a feels like a full blown release as I’ve been using the beta, alpha, the builds on a fork of one of the maintainers github fork, … All of them with very few issues.
That was honestly the only thing i needed from a launcher when i got my pixel 6a two years ago, but there is so much more to it as i later discovered. All the tweaking that is possible on top of the (very good) pixel launcher, which it was built upon but had this one flaw.
That looks amazing but 7 hours on a 16000 mAh battery seems a bit low
I used a raspberry pi 3 with RaspAP in this use case in my room at home for some time. Performance was not the best, but enough for my needs back then.
I have the same gpu my friend. I was trying to say that you won’t be able to run ROCm on some Radeon HD xy from 2008 :D
If you have a supported GPU you could try Ollama (with openwebui), works like a charm.
Kinda sad that Adobe bought them and will probably kill the product in an EEE scheme or merge it into Adobe XD.
Some years ago reddit was the reddit for nerds. The demographic probably has shifted more towards normies by now.
Tl,dr: About a million dollars annually per employee.
I second jellyfin / finamp combo. Make sure to checkout the beta version if you’re getting it from the playstore, they are redoing some parts of the UI.
It’s already on Ollama. Exciting times!
Could be a great opportunity for MLC Chat, which uses OpenCL.