Lol I had no idea it relied on so much. Its just built into KDE. Really great app overall.
Hey. Yeah you. No don’t look over your shoulder. I’m not talking to the guy behind you. Look, we’ve been meaning to tell you that you’re doing a pretty good job out there. Proud of you. Keep up the good work.
Lol I had no idea it relied on so much. Its just built into KDE. Really great app overall.
I mean, books did make us worse at memorizing. I think its give and take. There are some things that are good to cognitively offload to an AI.
Man I’d kill to be able to use all of the APT commands I see online. DNF forces me to know what I’m doing lol.
Windows will never have the flexibility of JACK
As long as we have ways to give feedback and affect the system this is a good thing.
The less recourse we have the more authoritarian it is though.
Man, this is very disappointed news. Thanks though, good to know.
I use obsidian. It have been pretty happy with it’s table support lately. It used to be much worse.
Ugh tables are really the killer. If my editor doesn’t support tables then I avoid them like the plague.
I hear genes couldn’t have changed as fast as shortsightedness has risen. I’ve heard bright light like from the sun helps certain systems shape the eyes and as we’ve rapidly become indoor folks myopia has risen.
I’d say if anything the AI only suffers during trainig, as I’m pretty sure that’s what pain is for: learning what not to do.
This is really dope. I try to do open source music and this is an amazing list of resources.
I use it for my microbe videos. I really just do basic editing and color grading. I like it a lot. You can look at my post history if ya wanna see the videos.
My girlfriends phone was having issues connecting to self hosted servers, so I set her DNS from private to network default. Hope this helps any android users that may have issues.
For sure! Incase ya didn’t look too close its a meta study from 2000 and mostly self report data. The study admits it would’ve been impossible to control for culture.
Given that the data is over a quarter century old or older and culturally influenced there’s for sure some wiggle room with how much it applies today.
Hey, I’m sorry I didn’t do this earlier.
I’m convinced. A quick google and a bit of a read and I feel I have a grounded take. Men desire sex more frequently and likely more intensely in western countries.
I thought this was going to be about “the fuck”
Your faith in business is strange to me. Sorry you couldn’t convince me. Some things I can be convinced of, but I have a higher bar for my evidence. I’ll stick with a confident “I don’t know who’s hornier.”
You can have any bar for your evidence ya want. I just think ya look a little silly being so convinced lol.
See ya around.
For your proposition of equal horniness to be true, one of two must be true: A)women are so repressed they don’t even want sexual materials in which case, even if it’s cultural and not biological, women are functionally less horny or B) they are so terrified that someone will bust in and search their web history which seems kind of a bizzare amount of repression.
This is an extremely uninspired list. Let me help.
I could keep going, but its becoming more work. My point is that there is way too much wiggle room in the money argument. You just can’t account for how our culture affects their expression unless you’ve studied it.
Economics is much better for studying how money moves. Idk why we would use it to try and generalize the experiences of a group. It is exceptionally indirect and biased. It is a silly thing to use as a foundation for that kind of belief.
Edit: removed snarky comment, I was feeling a bit hot
Edit: just stumbled on this video, but its whole point is about how the different genders interact with sex differently:
I agree that it can look like that at a glance, but why would we expect spending to reflect horniness when sexual expression is less accepted for women in many rich countries? Can you say to what degree that affects it? They may feel just as much hornyness and express it more privately. How can you be confident?
I admit, that if you look at the economic you presented, men spend more on sexual stuff. That is a fine conclusion. But it says very little to me about who is more horny.
Yeah its not like the web feels better without ad block.