Tell me you use the same password everywhere without telling me you use the same password everywhere
Tell me you use the same password everywhere without telling me you use the same password everywhere
Thanks. I hate politically correct language like this
Sorry but what’s a MAP?
That’s a valid point.
Also is there’s a USB3 controller at all in the phone to connect the camera inside the phone? Or does the camera talk on a different bus on the SoC?
I don’t use data on the USB port very often and when I do it’s always to make an access point over USB so the USB2.0 bandwidth is enough for my use.
I wonder if people really have a use for USB3.
Apart from making phone more expensive, I don’t see a real need for me
USB sticks are not very reliable and can become totally unreadable randomly. I hope you at least have a few backups of it
Never saw this before but I doubt you would fit 4 dutch in that
It’s surprising that for someone as terminal oriented as you seem, your editor of choice is viscose and not vim or emacs
I think what is missing is control over the representatives. When you elect someone, you give them your power, you should be able to take it back when they abuse it.
In a representative democracy, transparency and control are key and when this is not enforced, people tend to think the system is broken and does not work. It would work if that is fixed
If you want cheap qualified labor in the US you’re gonna have to put more white people in prison
I’m always amazed at how much you pay for internet in the US and Canada. Here in France, fiber vs copper is usually the same price maybe a 5-10 euros/month difference depending on the ISP
How does that solve the bandwidth issue?
Sorry but even with all that said, you’ll never lure me to the evil side. I’m sticking with Firefox until it dies an atrocious death
From your experience I don’t see red flags for me so I’ll probably try for my next reinstall. Thanks for your honest opinion
Damn I’m contemplating going to FreeBSD. What made you go the other way? What do you miss from FreeBSD?
Gentoo is the best distro when you want to get deeper understanding. If I had to give advice on the path of getting to know deeper the Linux environment I’d say: Debian or Fedora -> Arch -> Gentoo -> lfs
If I had time I’d try NixOS and FreeBSD as a main workstation.
OpenStreetMap ftw!
I saw a documentary about Renault doing this in Israel I think. With a network of stations looking like auto wash: it takes your car, opens a door under the car, swaps the battery with a full one and off you go.
Apparently it went bankrupt after a year (2012-2013):
To be fair, the social media platform are generally very advanced in terms of technology. Many of the most breaking grounds software technologies at least come from them.
That behavior deserves more internet points