It’s a nice feature for those that actively enable it and know that it’s enabled, but not for the average user. Most people never change the default settings. Firefox breaking stuff by default would only decrease their market share even further. And this breaks so much stuff. Weird stuff. The average user wants a browser that “just works” and would simply just switch back to Chrome if their favourite website didn’t work as expected after installing Firefox. Chrome can be used by people who don’t even know what a browser is.
First of all, why?
Secondly, I absolutely love it.
I love this. It’s on F-Droid
It’s the reason I stopped using Stremio but it’s also the reason why it remains legal in some countries. Popcorn Time had an option to enable/disable seeding on the settings. I really wish Stremio had the same.
I want to keep my ratio above 10, so I use a combination of several other things to replace Stremio on Android TV. It’s a lot less polished but I get a good feeling from seeding.
I already used Infinity for Reddit (which Eternity is based on) so it made the migration from Reddit to Lemmy really smooth for me.
Blunt trauma
This is especially dangerous if you’re a data hoarder. It’s a slippery slope that can result in you scalping stuff like old DVRs for drives. Your computer might get very heavy.
I use Joplin. The functionality is nice, but visually the app looks a little outdated in my opinion. It’s worth it though.
I also prefer Signal, but I think the point here is that Delta Chat is decentralized.
They still haven’t fixed it.
It’s not open source
Google is not making a profit from RCS, but they don’t have to be loosing money either. I don’t know the price Google is charging telecom providers. It’s either very cheap or for free. That’s why many telecom providers choose Google’s solution. I believe that Google is treating it as an investment. I assume that Google plan to charge more in the future or that they want data from the users. Maybe both.
Telecom providers know how to do all of this themselves, but it’s going to cost more money than using Google’s solution. Someone else can absolutely start providing RCS to telecom providers but they will have a hard time trying to sell it to telecom providers if they’re not cheaper than Google.
I think you may have misunderstood what I wrote.
Snapchat makes money through showing you ads. RCS is something very different. It is not social media. RCS has no ads in the same way that SMS has no ads.
Telecom providers have to spend money to support RCS. Telecom providers don’t want to spend money on RCS if it’s not going to earn them money. They believe RCS is not going to earn them money because the customers aren’t interested. The customers aren’t interested because they can already chat with each other through social media and chat apps.
I worked for years in one of the biggest in telecom companies in Europe. They supported RCS for about 2 years, before they stopped. I tried to restart the project, but there was no interest. It is viewed as a waste of money since customers already use Google Messages, iMessage, Facebook Messenger, Snapchat and WhatsApp.
I’m not going to use a proprietary protocol to chat through Google’s (Jibe) servers running proprietary software. Even if the messages are e2ee, Google can still collect metadata. Google never provides anything for free and collection of data is kinda their thing.
Android recommendations for next version:
I suggest QR Scanner because it can both read and generate and does not ask for network access unlike Binary Eye. It has a nice and intuitive UI but also manages to do advanced stuff.
Thunderbird is already on the list but there’s an android version now. It’s based on K-9 and has gotten really good for a mobile e-mail client.
I know a lot of people like Breezy Weather (I was one of them) but the simplicity of Bura makes it perfect in my eyes. The fact that it doesn’t have a graph for air quality or animated lock screens that match the weather makes it a fraction of the weight, really fast and does not ask for even half of the same permissions. I switched to Bura after noticing that it doesn’t need to run in the background since it’s so fast when you open it. It’s still prettier than the absolute most basic ones though.
Norway has some of the lowest in Europe. Less than a third of Germany’s prices. Norway is producing more (hydro) energy than it’s able to use.
That’s why it’s exporting some of it to other countries today. Before Norway did this their prices were even lower.
Jeg tror ikke det er nok av oss her, men… faen… BÅDE svenskene og danskene, men ikke oss?? Flaut.
**Translation: ** I don’t think there’s enough of us here, but… fuck… BOTH the Swedes and Danes, but not us?? Embarrassing.