Because they also keep capitulating on actual votes. Both of my states supposedly Dem senators voted for the recent CR (Schumer and Gillibrand). Unfortunately NY doesn’t have a recall process.
Because they also keep capitulating on actual votes. Both of my states supposedly Dem senators voted for the recent CR (Schumer and Gillibrand). Unfortunately NY doesn’t have a recall process.
People are dumb, especially when lied to 24/7.
The average Russian probably still thinks that Ukraine is Nazis and that they are winning. The average Chinese doesn’t know about Tiananmen square students protest or the brutal suppression much less Uyghurs genocide. Name a country and there’s something along those lines ongoing or at least in recent history. The far-right in Europe is doing much like America was just 10-20y ago other places are already ahead into their authoritarian phase.
It isn’t that far from what some people have done. Perhaps reassessment every 5-10y but there are people in jail who do not and cannot fit in a civil society. Serial killers, child rapists, etc these people exist, you want to stick them in a mental institute instead fine but allowing them back into society isn’t wise.
That’s my point, this is real world data, its all garbage, and no amount of LLM rehashing fixes that.
Creatinin in urine was used as a measure of kidney function for literal decades despite African Americans having lower levels despite worse kidneys by other factors. Creatinine level is/was a primary determinant of transplant eligibility. Only a few years ago some hospitals have started to use inulin which is a more race and gender neutral measurement of kidney function.
No algorithm matters if the input isn’t comprehensive enough and cost effective biological testing is not.
And then we decided not to do anything about it. No gun control, no mental health services, no improvement to communities.
Authoritarians equate fear with respect. Aggressively putting down a riot makes people scared = people respect them. It is the same reason Putin jails critics inhumanely or Kim kills families of defectors in NK. If people lose their fear of them these despots are powerless.
The Utah dental association was strongly against it. Dentists already make good money and most of them actually care about their patients health.
Dental health is also strongly correlated with cardiovascular disease and other diseases.
Man, I was hoping so hard that Juumane would get the governorship in 2022. I really don’t think WFP should endorsed her or any “moderate” dem. That race against fucking Zeldin was too close for comfort.
In a sort of twisted way that could result in a blue wave if they disenfranchised ~half of their own voters and not the left.
How many really spend any time with him? Except for x12 being used as a shield I’ve never seen him with his other kids.
Japan only gets less flak from western countries. They get a lot of flak across Asia.
PM only got doohickeyed after retiring.
Internet says gdp of 23.34B so 6ish% of GDP.
2067?! You optimistic as heck.
Technically, but they’re busy removing those pesky regulations that cost business 0.001c
It is a responsibility to vote for the best outcome you can get. That isn’t staying home and it isnt a Russian funded 3rd party. Voting or not voting such that we’re in the situation we are is entirely the fault. Refusing to participate in the system doesn’t make the system reform.
As someone close to the front of the genocide line I’ll blame whoever I damn well please and that includes 3rd party and non voters who want perfection vs cartoon evil.
If the people who die voted third party or didn’t vote they will also learn that politics do matter to them.
And before they were all local to the big city and the market squeezed to unaffordable for everyone including themselves. It is a good thing for that squeeze to be dissipated around the state/country.
Having that money less concentrated means that more local economies are propped up. As they still spend money locally regardless of where they earn it.
You’re angry about wage stagnation which is broadly a result of unchecked capitalism more than anything else.
Hate and hamburger diet ages you.
There were some hopeful years during reconstruction, lots of black officials before Jim crow and kkk. It didn’t last because presidents after Lincoln abdicated their responsibility of educating the south and preventing voter/elected official intimidation.