Nice find!
I’d be curious to see RTINGS do a review of the panel on it.
Nice find!
I’d be curious to see RTINGS do a review of the panel on it.
Except if you care about anything having to do with picture quality, brightness, contrast ratio or features such as HDR etc, then it’s going to be a really shitty TV. They’re made for the menus at McDonald’s, not a device for modern media.
Lol, what? There is no malware in classic shell, or start11 or explorer patcher. Wtf are you talking about?
This is only the 3764th post this week…
Except you still pay for Prime so it doesn’t really matter if your delete the app…
The iPhone is not anywhere close to being able to play any AAA titles at 4k with raytracing, what are you smoking? Cause I want some… just cause it’s running at a 4k res with some sort of “raytracing” activated does not equate to anything near what the lame ass consoles can do, much less a PC with a decent GPU. It’s just not the same when it comes down to the rendered frames being compared.
A mobile port is just not even in the same ball park.
Never had to remove a single phone I’ve ever owned from the case to wirelessly charge.
I still use Feedly daily!
I use it when I need it to speed up python scripting for CG applications, but I don’t need it on a constant basis. It could be weeks or more between when I’ll dig into it.
yeah, I’ve done my best to remove it all and have it in a pretty good spot at this point.
My windows install is from 2009 when windows 7 was released and hasn’t been fresh installed since. Hardware has changed 5 times since then and it’s still running like day one.
Haha, I actually am and run Linux on my main machine and other machines in the house, I explained in my other post why I need windows.
I’m a CG artist and I dual boot Fedora on my workstation and run it on my file/license server. I’m very familiar with Linux and it’s great for a lot of things.
A ton of my software runs much better than on windows and I would stay in it if I could, but unfortunately I have software needs that don’t run on Linux and can’t work in a VM in full capacity.
I’d pay extra for a windows that has nothing except the settings, task manager and the file explorer.
I don’t trust the tech at this point and I certainly don’t trust the people who are using the full-self driving mode.
It’s endangering everyone on the roads right now.
We have one client that used that garbage. So annoying to deal with. Bye Felicia.
Yeah, I don’t get why this seemed to be such a huge undertaking. The phone companies certainly know who’s making all these calls on their networks.
Team Sync!!!
Nothing too fancy, but colorful.
But part of the fun of FFmpeg is spending two days trying to figure out how to get it to do what you are trying to do.
You can see the awful, misaligned panel gaps in those photos.