I could have sworn at least OP was making that reference, but oh well. Glad someone got it!
I could have sworn at least OP was making that reference, but oh well. Glad someone got it!
It’s like that classic case of bank fraud where the criminal takes pennies out of peoples’ accounts, hoping they won’t notice and the bank will think it’s an error.
If Reddit gets caught can we send them to federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison?
actually… that kinda makes me nostalgic. No Mercy was the best, and it holds up pretty well!
Ready Player One was a dystopia and Zuck was so enamored it became required reading for building the “Metaverse”.
Billions of dollars can’t buy you the ability to sense irony I guess.
Narrator, as Elon dances over Twitter headquarters with strobe lights and Google charges employees $99 per night to stay at their own hotel:
“They were being exploited.”
For me it’s just being able to have longer discussion. I dunno, maybe I can do that on Mastodon but it feels to quick for me. I’ve always liked forum posting, so this suits me better