isn’t most bot manipulation on twitter from liking, viewing, and re-tweeting content? i.e. things that this change does nothing to combat?
isn’t most bot manipulation on twitter from liking, viewing, and re-tweeting content? i.e. things that this change does nothing to combat?
tell me I did not just look this thing up and see a barrel jack power port 🤢
my 2017 laptop charges by USB-C, this hardware looks gorgeous in every other way but the only excuse for a barrel jack is if you need to move more than 100 watts, and even that last holdout for the barrel jack is dated
It can charge by USB-C apparently, but the barrel jack is still there 😔
I don’t get this trend of finding someone identifying legitimate problems with the best available option and trying to have discussion on a discussion website and drowning them with “B-b-but everyone else is worse! If we didn’t have [lesser evil] then we would surely have [greater evil]! Why do you want [greater evil]???”
Doing so would be a valuable contribution to the discussion and morally good so I sure hope so
Mastodon is also not backed by any major donor and also has a better UI??
This comment kinda makes it clear that it’s your service and you’re plugging it though so I’m glad I could have that suspicion of mine confirmed
what does this have that Mastodon doesn’t?
and why is the very first thing I see on the starting page a slur?
the privacy policy is a fucking nightmare
and also you have literal nazis on your trending
lmao this place sucks
I initially uploaded a gif, it looks like that breaks things, especially in jerboa. I replaced it with a different graph to the same effect.
Perfect case of Betteridge’s law of headlines. No, the AIDS pandemic is not ending. Almost nobody has access to this level of care and that will not change until we fix some other things (you can all see my home instance lol). But this is promising for our understanding of the virus and the human body as a whole, so it’s not sensationalism, just overly optimistic.
ummm fuckign absolutely
You’re definitely valid for being concerned about privacy, but I think much more of privacy is how you configure your system and less how it ships, especially when it’s all Linux under the hood anyways. Additionally, privacy features aren’t much good when they’re bundled, set to defaults, and never fully configured - it’s both a great learning opportunity and provides even better security to set up things like browser extensions, a firewall, tor, etc. yourself so you can know their ins and outs than simply having them installed by default and never touching them.
Of course the privacy difference between Windows and Linux is so night and day that that leap on its own might be everything you’re looking for and then some, but Linux is always what you make it, so you’re not giving up much when picking one or the other! The only big things you’re locking into is a community and a package manager/repository, and Mint is definitely top notch in those regards, so it’d be hard to do better.
They’ll keep doing it though. Maybe not with this one creator, for the sake of proving that they get final say whenever they want, but all the other anti-vax content will stay up, because it’s profitable.
willing to bet if you ask it 100 times it’ll be a white man for over 90 of them
Wow, more than a billion! Remind me again, how much does one single Lockheed Martin F-35 cost? How much money did the NYPD cost in police misconduct settlements year? And how much did the pentagon just lose last time it was audited?
yeah I really do, because the average annual US foreign conflict is worse than the wildest liberal exaggeration of the worst thing China has ever done
If you can’t see the fundamental intertwining of Google (or any other fortune 500 company) and the US State, then you should really start looking harder. Lobbyists, revolving door membership, corruption, tax writeoffs, corporate power being used to influence day-to-day life, really, US companies’ control over the US state is pretty similar to the Chinese State’s control over Chinese Companies. I just don’t think corporations should be in charge like y’all seem to.
I think the idea is that we want to be our own community, and not depend on reddit for content generation and then just sit around and discuss what trickles down to us.
Much lower and you shouldn’t care. As long as you’re serving less than one request per second, you will not need to care about performance. If you do, sanic and vibora are drop-in flask replacements and they are both much more performant.
I always love Flask for this, it’s a super simple python web server that is basically fully batteries included, just write a couple lines of python and throw your html in either /static or /templates, depending on whether it’s dynamic or not, and you’re live. It’s not gonna move mountains but it’s not meant to.
Not only is @jacksilver@lemmy.world right, but additionally, this article is extremely biased in favor of Xorg and is much more of a (completely unfair and one-sided) take-down of Wayland oriented at technical folks and not at all an explainer for laypeople