Not to detract from your point but did you substitute “paladin” for “champion”?
It also has an apostrophe at the end like it’s slang for “palading”. And I don’t understand either move.
Not to detract from your point but did you substitute “paladin” for “champion”?
It also has an apostrophe at the end like it’s slang for “palading”. And I don’t understand either move.
…This must be DEI’s fault.
No, stop! You wouldn’t!
This is weird take on an op-ed. OP didn’t alter the title. The only ways I can conceive of a headline being “misleading” is when it declares a falsity (this doesn’t; it’s an opinion) or doesn’t match the content of the titled text (this doesn’t; it matches the text).
Nah, this isn’t my headcanon (idk if comics have corroborated this): Batman doesn’t kill because he realizes he’s mentally a mess. He’s unstable and, if he lets himself kill, he’d go normal Gotham-insane but with a “justice” kick.
TO’s comment truly is a mélange of victimhood and jingoism that, curiously, is as American as apple pie.
As if a joke more dated than boomer humour is a concerted psyop to discredit French people in “the marketplace of ideas.” Not to mention the myopic view of America in the second half. Baffling.
Anyway, hope the bundle helps those devs hold on and push through some positive change.
I’m confused by this comment. “The original is even better” reads like you are informing TO about the original. But you’d expect them to be aware of it, what with them referencing the joke nickname and saying “a new variation”.
It’s mostly confusing because there are clearer ways of posting the original comic for the uninformed than referencing the only person certain to have seen it.
Yeah, similar to someone I know, who knew they were on their way out regardless of any dumb stunts.
People calling them stupid are automatically assuming the worst of them based on one piece of evidence.
I find it as funny as the original post
I wouldn’t even really call this recursion. This is closer to a wrapper around the enjoy function to set variables so that “enjoy” doesn’t throw an error.
The radical left erased from your mind with 5g
The only concern is how much the cost of training the model changes if it got a significant kickstart from previous, very-expensive training. I was interested because it was said to be comparable for a fraction of the cost. "Open"AI can suck sand.
I am very disappointed.
I may be on the wrong side of history but I can’t see what other role a car could get in the film industry except vehicle.
Could be a punishment in the vein of “one of you defied, so you’ll all be punished.” Y’know, l everaging a person’s individual fear of being the “cause” for things getting worse to prevent them from attempting to make any changes. It’s a classic crackdown in authoritarian areas.
Edit: not to say that’s what’s happening, but that is a methodology.
But what’s even stronger than a gorilla? Two gorillas??
Why would you come to someone’s question, not engaging with the question in the slightest, to say “my thing is better”?
Damn, I still have like 6 eggs left. I should hit the resale market before they go off. Let’s say 6 for 6.
“stout” is the first that comes to mind and isn’t immediately discarded. But because those other forms are so easy to call to mind I’d rather describe the power-lifter as they differ from those norms.
“He was no body-builder. Powerful, yes, but he had traded aesthetics for even more strength. Muscles built upon muscles like layers of a brick house, and nearly as solid.”
Plus, the quote only effectively says “I want law and order. I just don’t think the police will use law and order to protect us.”
He supports “law enforcement”, not “the police”.