Should be illegal. Same as unpaid internships. Pay workers or don’t be a business.
Should be illegal. Same as unpaid internships. Pay workers or don’t be a business.
People paid 23andMe to give them the data in the first place. Should be illegal to profit off of other people’s data if they’re not getting paid for it.
While it’s sad to see all these games begin to die a slow death, in reality, many of these titles are incredibly old and on last-gen platforms such as Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3.
Yet much older games are still playable without functionality loss.
You don’t need upgrades to online services. You need to stop locking down games.
Still seems way overpriced. Doesn’t even have name recognition anymore.
People shouldn’t be paying to opt out of ads, websites should be paying their users for what they’re exploiting them for.
“More competition” meaning less access, people having to pay for multiple different services instead of having it in one place.
The competition should be about having the best platform, not exclusive content. There’s no reason why the same show couldn’t be on two different platforms. And available globally. Practically, all you really need is more local servers for where there’s more traffic.
For personal use, but corporations trying to profit off of it could be fined 100% of their assets if need be.
I have inside pockets added so that I can deal with the wire issue. Makes for a better place to carry the phone anyway.
And they only ever made one.
AI’s going to kill us off by doing what we do better than us. Consuming resources and producing waste. And we’re already pretty good at it.
Or make some more Zunes.
In 2003, the World Wide Web was still in its infancy. Dial-up connections were still the default and YouTube, Facebook, and Gmail had yet to be invented.
I’d argue it had reached its prime. Websites were just websites then, not data harvesting machines.
They shouldn’t. They’re not apologizing for what they’re doing, but are behaving like politicians, changing the rhetoric to try to get people to like what they’re going to do anyway.
I still use my 2016 SE despite having a never phone. But I need pockets to carry that around, custom fit pockets if I want to be able to run with it without it being obstructive, because of how big even that old phone is.
Music players in general haven’t been doing well. Phones are too big to be proper replacements for all uses.
I signed up for Facebook for the first time ever, to comment on a local page about a local issue, and was first banned by Facebook for nothing in particular. Had to put in a phone number to reactivate. Also found I wasn’t able to post if I included a link, a link to a government website, but I guess that’s a very basic spam filter for new accounts. Then made some comments back and forth with no one really talking to me. Then about a week later with no activity, my account had been banned again, and now Facebook wants a photo. I don’t even have photos online, and I don’t see how they could use that to verify my identity, so that’s where I stopped.
How is there more than one? Unless you need something slightly unusual like a static IP. Otherwise, everything should be covered by type of subscription, cost of subscription.
That’s still just $36.5 million a year, that should be the daily rate for a company the size of Facebook.
Not doing business in a country that is not your own is the easiest thing anyone can do.
AI PC sounds like something that will be artificially personal more than anything else.