Are you still attempting to influence that adage becoming well-understood by the common man? I dare say that I don’t believe that will come to pass.
Are you still attempting to influence that adage becoming well-understood by the common man? I dare say that I don’t believe that will come to pass.
You don’t have to go cold turkey. Just shop at websites that don’t say “Amazon” in the URL
That’s not a boycott. That’s waiting until payday to shop.
There needs to be a succinct way to say “Never shop Amazon again if possible. If you absolutely have no other option, don’t do it March 7-14.”
Yes, the EU will certainly kowtow to him and bend the knee. 🙄
This was such a compensating thing. Tried to back out of the deal, wasn’t allowed to, then made this dumbass dad joke. “I meant to do that” vibes, fucking pathetic.
Drumpf is obsessed with rally size, skuM is obsessed with twitter engagement. Rotten tomatoh, decomposing tomahto.
I think that’s what the college kids were playing with when I was in high school.
Started college in 1995, and I indeed did have ICQ before too long. Still remember my number (6725571).
You probably had all three installed on your computer and probably all running at once.
I remember using a program called Trillian (which is still around!) in the late 90s/early 00s. It allowed you to connect multiple IM accounts in one app. It was sorta finicky, but it got the job done.
Seventy thousand dollhairs.
You have no idea what I’m capable of in <>. 🤣
Such an obvious mail merge. I’d imagine there is a way to automate pulling the Google Street View images and pasting them in the document, but I don’t know how it’s done.
But yeah, I got version 1 from that article and just shook my head at such a pathetic extortion attempt. I was like, “C’mon now…everyone in my life knows I’m a polyamorous hedonist. I could sell some of them whatever video you could ever possibly have of me that you definitely don’t. 😂”
I forgot my ANOVA when I moved this summer. Now, I’m not that sorry I did.
Price guarantee. However, if we do raise our price…
The ending to that sentence is always moot. You guarantee it. End of. If you don’t follow through on that guarantee, you are a liar.
…if we do raise our price, you can cancel the service with no penalties.
Mfer, you are gonna be the one paying penalties, see your ass in court.
Holy shit, this is classic. The next time I let my ADHD get the better of me and I accidentally click on a link in a spoof phishing email (and, yes, try to log in to whatever account they told me there was a problem with because I’m an idiot, you’re so perfect, shut up) sent as a test by the IT department which results in them requiring me to take some KnowBe4 refresher course, I’m sending them this article and telling them “This one is a freebie.”
I thought you was black, man?
It’s not an excuse. [Provides an excuse.]
Elon doesn’t need you as his Lemmy apologist. Get wrekt, son.
I was bullied as a child, and I now work as a math teacher in Title I schools and engage in mutual aid. What’s your point? Why are you making excuses for that cunt?
Someone, I’m presuming a teacher, petitioned Texas Department of Family Protective Services which, under the directions of the governor, investigated my ex-wife for daring to have a trans kid in a conservative town.
You can’t respond if you’d like, but I really don’t give a baker’s fuck what you have to say, mate, because you are either willfully ignorant of this fascist bullshit at best or a supporter of it at worst. Either way, maggot-filled bicep gash is more appealing to me that your opinion.
The guy told it like it was. It was a PR stunt and nothing more. His submarine was rigid and stood zero chance of navigating the intricate cave system, of which the caver was an expert. Elon didn’t like his sub (and him by extension) being ridiculed, so he used his social media clout to make an unsubstantiated and nigh libelous claim that the guy was a pedophile.
Whatever Elon’s retaliatory reasons are for his vindictiveness, a rational person can safely assume that those reasons are tied to his hollow soul and crêpe-paper-thin ego.
Will it not come to fruition?