By that logic we should be happy gazing at our own navels, shouting to the void, looking at empty pages.
By that logic we should be happy gazing at our own navels, shouting to the void, looking at empty pages.
Because it has the users Mastodon lacks.
Racial discrimination is fundamentally created by the innate fear of the Other. But it is supercharged by capitalism. Slave trade was created to create cheap expendable labor force to drive profits. When it was ended segregation and other discriminatory practices were instituted to protect the owners of businesses. These practices were systemic and we are still seeing their results.
Also don’t do mobile banking
As opposed to what?
I have witnessed this behaviour. A person opened a video in the Android YouTube app and immediately closed it when an ad started playing. Then opened the same video again, closed it, because ads. Opened it a third time and then let it play without ads.
Work inside all of the political institutions to bring about constitutional change. Abolish electoral college etc.
Here’s a novel idea. Don’t use these exploitative services.
When choosing a crypto algorithm the answer is almost never “roll your own”.
That’s a really good idea. I’ll have to remember that.
I still have a Twitter account. I mostly watch the cess pit argue with each other and to keep up with the latest misinformation.
But even that is growing tiresome.
Pro tip: ip a
Shhhhh, don’t give them ideas!
And a charging port. A screen if you are clumsy.
I would still recommend it. At least for production environments.
You mean those who are on a huge space station that gets blown to bits during the intro sequence?
Don’t forget that porn is a huge chunk as well. Between bots and porn there’s little left.
Again, that doesn’t really narrow it down.
Which one do you mean?
It’s like they never learn. I remember WAY back when Windows NT was new. The NT in Windows NT stands for New Technology.
This is why I love EU’s GDPR. Reply to their spam with an official GDPR request to be removed from their records.
It doesn’t work all the time. But it works well enough.