Scrap the cap! Scrap the cap!
Scrap the cap! Scrap the cap!
Hello, Elesevenenseven. You seem to have trouble understanding that them losing less than 10% of the total protection time means that they have almost the normal amount of protection time. I’m not saying that Trump would have taken away their protection before he was president. At this point, I’m not sure if your reading comprehension is actually that poor or if you’re just really desperate to keep up the nitpicky smug internet argument act.
I agree that taking away the protection is not normal. I get that. Their protection ending is normal. It’s not like he ended what would normally be lifetime protection. I could have worded my original comment better, but I didn’t expect someone to get so invested in being an asshole in response to a comment I wrote in 10 seconds while multitasking.
If their USSS protection would have ended in like July anyway, couldn’t a potential attacker have just waited until then to do whatever they’re gonna do? I get that by calling attention to it, Trump increases the odds of an attack though.
You are right about one thing. I said 3 months because I can’t count. Inauguration is late January, so then until now is 2 months. I am horribly sorry not to have met your expectations, O Lord of Righteousness. Since you’re till having trouble understanding what I’m saying, it wasn’t 66% of their total protection. Assuming they were protected for the entirety of Biden’s term, Trump is taking away (since you love numbers so much) 7.4% (4 out of 54 [4 years is 48 months, plus the 6 month extension period] total months of their overall protection.
That is pretty fucked up indeed. I still doubt anyone attacks them or anything.
Right, I’m talking about the time length. 6 months normally versus 2 months here. In the grand scheme of things, not that big of a deal. It’s not like they would have had lifetime protection and now he’s cancelling that.
Hello? Are we even having a conversation or are you just ecstatic that you got a chance to be smug on the internet? What dates am I supposed to look up? The summary said they usually get six months of protection after the former president’s term ends. So they’ll be missing out on 4 months of protection that they would normally get. Please save your smug energy for the actual Trump supporters.
How did I prove your point at all? I’m talking about the time range of protection ending. There’s like a three month difference. In the realm of terrible things Trump has done so far, this is barely noticeable.
This is how the fuck:
“But outgoing presidents can extend protection for those who might otherwise not be eligible for up to six months after they leave office”
It would end in a few months anyway. Yeah he’s being petty and he’s a dickhead, but it’s not that big of a difference.
OK so this is actually pretty normal?
Edit: For all the Lemmings out there having trouble understanding, you don’t have to read the article, but at least read the summary. Their USSS protection would end in a few months anyway. Trump is a colossal asshole, yes, but they’re only getting a few months less of USSS protection. The length of time they get protection is fairly normal.
His brain is casserole after the stroke.
My favorite phone was my LG enV2 with the physical qwerty keyboard. Thing would keep its charge for weeks, and I could just chuck it across a room with no consequences. Not a smartphone obviously, but it was great for its time.
I’m squarely millenial and I don’t even really know what it was like before the stupid times.
Are you saying it’s not useful to be able to talk about your job in vague terms or that this whole order by Musk is bullshit? I can’t really tell what you mean here.
There are unclassified ways to talk about classified information.
Where do (or did) you work?
No, the word is DEI now.
It took me about 40 seconds to load this comment section, then I cleared the cache as you suggested and it feels like modern internet again. Crazy. It was sitting at 2.1 GB stored for the site.
That was quick.
Where’s the “advancing technology isn’t necessarily a good thing and the old ways have value” message in Kiki’s Delivery Service?