Idk, “equally shitty” does have equality in it. 🤔
Just rent space in your colleague’s house and they rent space in yours through a series of LLCs that form a cooperative that bills Amazon.
Time for 2 Fast 2 Furious. This time with serial numbers and trackers that will be slightly harder to remove.
*Only available in US markets
They’ll just add iodne, pluverize it, and sell it to people to shake on their fries.
A more perfect union, that can establish justice and domestic tranquility. One that provides for the common defense, promotes the general welfare, and secures the blessing of liberty for ourselves and future generations.
I’ll buy their crypto with every counterfeit dollar I can find.
Ah yes, the CCM: “CEO Childcare Manager”
Because education is the devil’s work!
Since when has Jack Black have a problem with political violence? Brought to you by City Hall
So you don’t like actually driving.
Sounds like someone just turned 65. Into the Soylent tanks you go!
NM is just jealous that CO is better. Don’t put up detectors to keep CO out of your home, embrace it with open arms and lungs!