I would recommend looking for sources that scratch that learning itch independently of your doctors and other staff. Podcasts are a great option and can really deepen and broaden your knowledge without requiring lucky exposure to patients with a given issue.
One podcast family is the microbe.tv group, shows like This Week in Virology, Immune, and This Week in Paracitism.
I would also recommend This Podcast Will Kill You, this one is really fun and has very good deep dives into awesome medical topics.
Once you have your own educational material you can make your decision with no specific tie to your workplace for getting your education.
Something I do not see discussed enough in this context is the fact that whether or not Trump or any other potential asset is an actual knowing asset or not has no bearing on whether they act in the interests of the Russian government. If he does something in the interests of the Russian government it doesn’t really make that much of a difference if he is doing it knowingly or not. The effect of his actions is the same, the only difference is how likely you think he is to do another thing in the interests of the Russian government.
If he weakens the western alliances, withdraws from NATO, creates economic chaos, and makes everyone poorer then the Russian government benefits. Regardless of the cause of his behaviours they are still damaging, he is still destroying the US government, he is still hurting all sorts of people, and he is still destroying the global economy.
Asset or useful idiot, he is still setting the world on fire.