Even in financial terms “sustainably” always pisses me off. None of these companies are trying to sustain, they demand constant growth to be happy. Never ending growth is never sustainable.
Even in financial terms “sustainably” always pisses me off. None of these companies are trying to sustain, they demand constant growth to be happy. Never ending growth is never sustainable.
I’d argue running a laptop from the 00s is the least boomer thing to do. Buying a new Macbook every two years while complaining that you don’t have enough money and joking about how you’re spending your kid’s inheritance is the boomer thing to do.
Bummer. Not because of the extra $3, honestly I’ll probably just pay it. But because until now Prime programming has been able to operate with a certain freedom. I know 0 people with prime for the video (as opposed to the free delivery) so they were willing to take risks with the shows.
Solos and Tales from the Loop are both amazing works of art that would never have shown up on network TV, or Netflix which would much rather make cheap mass appeal shows with little depth. Even more shows with wider appeal (e.g. The Expanse) might not survive the TV Executive mindset now that they have a reason to care about the number of views as a primary metric, over user happiness.
And honestly, it all baffles me, I will gladly subscribe to a streaming service for one great show. Produce 3 or 4 a year and I’m subscribed for good. If I wanted an endless string of medicore baking reality shows, I’d get cable again.
CEO of public company actively makes product worse because of business dealings at a seperate private company owned by said CEO. Not that Tesla shareholders don’t already have enough reason to be pissed, but good lord.
And it’s not a “feud” that would imply Disney is being petty instead of making the fucking obvious business decision to pull advertising spend from the dumpster fire of racism and controversy that is Twitter.
The Online Safety Act has taught the Tories that they can get away with anything if they can spin it as “think of the children”. I expect to see more draconian limiting of speech under this same guise.
ETA: and after reading the article, the argument of protecting kids mental health is BS. If they cared about mental health they’d fund the NHS so that wait times to see a psychiatrist/therapist reflected the urgency. Social media might add fuel to the fire, but depression doesn’t just magically go away if you delete your accounts.
Houston we have no idea what our trajectory is and it’s just playing happy birthday over and over.
Jokes on you, my password is just 8 asterisks… Wait crap.
Brb changing all my passwords.
Is anyone else hearing Aquarela do Brasil or is it just me…
I see it an more an inability to analyze, evaluate, and edit. A lot of “creativity” in the world of musical composition is putting together existing elements and seeing what happens. Any composer from pop to the very avant-garde, is influenced and sometimes even borrow from their predecessors (it’s why copyright law is so complex in music).
It’s the ability to make judgements, does this sound good/interesting, does this have value, would anyone want to listen to this, and adjust accordingly that will lead to something original and great. Humans are so good at this, we might be making edits before the notes hit the page (Brainstorming). This AI clearly wasn’t. And deciding on value, seems wildly complex for modern day computers. Humans can agree on it (if you like Rock, but hate country for example).
So in the end, they are “creative” but in a monkey-typewritter situation, but who is going to sort through the billions of songs like this to find the one masterpiece?
I sometimes lucid dream, something tips me off that it’s not real, and then I can take some control. Mostly I like flying, but sometimes I go full crimefighting superhero.
Realizing you are in a dream world and deciding to work, is like winning a billion dollars and deciding to spend it all on a nice car somehow. What a boring waste.
Rick and Morty already did it.
You nailed it at the end. Loving a company, especially these days, is exactly how you end up overworked and underpaid. Like a job/company, don’t love it.
It gets worse. Visiting a friend recently, they tried to give me an old Kindle, (which I politely declined). They have a drawer of about 6 old ones because they can’t help buying the latest every sale. They don’t even read that much!!
So in the UK every mobile operator has to offer a spend cap. I roam a lot (and pay £10 a month for free roaming to the US and EU) so I set a £10 cap. It took seconds and I will never get a surprise bill. This was beyond careless.
I asked Bard to give me a generic reason for firing a CEO.
Certainly, here are some vague reasons for firing the CEO of an AI company:
Leadership concerns: The CEO’s leadership style or personal conduct was not in line with the company’s values or culture. This could include issues such as lack of transparency, poor communication, or ethical breaches.
I remember an article ages ago that showed that Amazon, undoubtedly a monopoly, was on the right side of the law because of the “consumer welfare standard”.
This was back when they were in growth mode and still unprofitable, but it seems obvious with this and their now record profits that they no longer pass that test. Time to break it up.
It’s pretty sure everyone is making $69,420 a year.
…wait why did I just get kicked off facebook.
Wow, the Lord’s truth right here. I never saw it that way, but it absolutely explains why the last company I left put me through 4 reorgs in 3 years. So many middle managers with nothing better to do while an increasingly smaller handful of people kept the place from burning down.
Tomorrow: 3 Million hacked smart fridges were used to spread misinformation that the 3 million toothbrush story wasn’t true.