Yeah you can have a PIN with Island.
Yeah you can have a PIN with Island.
Assuming you’re asking about the password manager?
Most important for me is that with Bitwarden I can share passwords with someone else.
What are you using instead of Google Photos?
I’m the other way round, email was the first thing I degoogled. It’s Photos I don’t know how to replace.
I think (at least part of) the problem is that whenever the media explain anything fediverse they start by saying “this is really complicated” and then give a ridiculous analogy. The average person switches off as soon as they’re told its complicated and the supposed explanation provides nothing helpful.
I agree with you, if they figured out email they can figure this.
Yeah, I’ve thought the same. It’s like with ads on websites - ads are served from different domains and as blockers work by denying requests to those domains. If they really wanted they could serve the ads from the same domain as the rest of the website. I guess one day they might but so far it must not be worth it.