And nothing of value was lost
And nothing of value was lost
Goddamn he looks so punchable
I fucking hate Jesse Watters but this was obviously rage bait
The company is Homestyle Direct and here is their website https://www.homestyledirect.com/
It was an admission that you might be right but go off, dude
We’ll come back here in a few years and see which one of us is right
He’ll get 34 slaps on the wrist then become our president for a term that doesn’t end until he dies
Isn’t Opera Chinese-owned though?
Where?! Where are they getting this Adderall without a prescription? If i could just be directed to the website so i can voice my outrage there
Except Google is double dipping, making money off of your data while charging for the “privilege”. Fuck all that
Corporate apologia 🙄
Yep my thoughts exactly