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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 15th, 2023

  • I find this amusing, had a conversation with an older relative who asked about AI because I am “the computer guy” he knows. Explained basically how I understand LLMs to operate, that they are pattern matching to guess what the next token should be based on a statistical probability. Explained that they sometimes hallucinate, or go of on wild tangents due to this and that they can be really good at aping and regurgitating things but there is no understanding simply respinning fragments to try to generate a response that pleases the asker.

    He observed, “oh we are creating computer religions, just without the practical aspects of having to operate in the mundane world that have to exist before a real religion can get started. That’s good, religions that have become untethered from day to day practical life have never caused problems for anyone.”

    Which I found scarily insightful.

  • Seems to me that Romania should just let everyone know that they are receptive to the idea but will need some funding towards the cost of improving the speed and efficiency of their court system.

    Start the bidding at an even billion USD. Let Trump try to Art of the Deal™ that one past the american populace. Should be some interesting mental gymnastics to try to explain why he is valuing Tate at 500 million times higher than any rational person would.

    I honestly feel like every country that has anything that Trump wants needs to start figuring out the most unreasonable price tags they can.