I…I hope our men and women in the armed forces makes the right choice when it comes time.
I…I hope our men and women in the armed forces makes the right choice when it comes time.
You’d be doing us a favor.
Yeah I fear I’ve been too outspoken online.
Ice Is going to be kidnapping everyone.
I think they think it’s futile, since bullets didn’t work. But we have other means. Like remote controlled flying things.
That’s a contrarian question, of course there would be loopholes for that.
Yeah I was half awake
Yeah I was half awake
Nah. Russia has been running circles around America in the information war. In Clarissa ward’s on all fronts, she talks about investigating Russian troll farms in Uganda that specifically targeted African Americans and stoked things like the BLM movement, etc. there is a reason why America is so divided. It’s why Europeans have started shutting off these things during elections, etc
Wouldn’t it make sense if it was a Russian group posing as being in Ukraine, to further divide the US and Russia? I mean the Russian ministry of truth is already hammering hard at that bond. How stupid can one be not to see that?
WHAT THE FUCK. That is all
That was Rudy
don’t forget Pinochet!
This is why I legit built my own space news app , because my autistic brain can’t handle all the crap they’ve added to pages. I just need the text, and images. I don’t need links to other articles in the body of the article! I’m currently reading this article!! and stop citing your own articles as sources!
Dumbest shit ever. let me run to the PRC for my entertainment. Like was TikTok really that good? I never used it, other than the time long ago when it was first getting traction and my coworker asked me to get into her 12 yr old daughter’s account (super easy BTW) and see what she was doing on there. surprise! nothing but 30 year old men following her and watching her doing dances. I never touched it since.
I love the joycon aspect.
But what if you live in an ugly ass place?
I mean, we are, as a society, aware that social media is just entertainment and not true communication, right? Right?
Entertainment through parasocial relationships and voyeurism. And you can have parasocial relationships with people you actually know, not just celebrities and influencers.
Doing the lord’s work
How much can we trust it if it’s taking money from the government? Especially this administration? I’ve seen what it takes to keep funding with these jackals, you have to give up something.